What year was I born?
What is my favorite food? (not dessert)
What is my degree?
Digital Marketing
Who have I been friends with the longest?
Sarah Beth
How many kids do I want?
lol, zero
What was my favorite class when I was younger?
Math, Science, History, English
What's my favorite dessert and Brand?
Ice cream, Häagen-Dazs <3
When am I graduating?
Which friend filed their paperwork to go to mtsu with me?
Where do I want to live?
What did I want to be when I grew up?
A singer or Artiest
What is my favorite stuffed animal?
Barrie (stuffed panda bear)
Name at least 3 of the classes I have (had) attended.
Marketing, digital marketing, personal branding, Dale Carnage, analytics, geology, astronomy, ligature, accounting 1, accounting 2, business law, finance, marketing research, etc.
What friend am I getting an apartment with?
What Job do I want?
UX designer (develop websites)
When did I meet Sarah Beth?
In Kindergarten the first day I came to school. (not the first day of school)
What is my favorite painting that I painted?
A bird in my sketch book
What dorm do I reside in? (hint: girls name)
Name all my friends that I was in Girl Scouts with me.
Alanna, Laruen, Braden
What type of dog do I want to own in the future?
A Doberman
How old was I when I joined the Girl Scouts?
12 years old
4th Grade
What is my favorite type of coffee? (2 Answers)
What is my first class of the week?
Marketing research
Name an online friend.
Nate, Steven, Crise, Brynee, Collen, Calvin, Paul, etc.
What company do I want to build?
A company that develops websites and digital advertisements for small companies.