Pre-construction, Engineering and Design
What is PED
The mechanism used to correct the use of incorrect labor codes
What is a labor cost transfer?
The form you fill out when creating or updating your work schedule
What is the SPK 144 form
Kinderlee Hoge
Who is the AIS admin of the SSA Center
Committing government funds without funding being certified on a purchase request
What is an ADA violation
This is the first two steps in the CW process
What is Recon & Feasibility
Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request
What is a MIPR
The form that you sign for receiving your items on a sub hand receipt
What is a 4900
Heather Singh
Who is our new P2 scheduler
Beth Salyers
Who is our deputy district engineer
What is Scope, Schedule and Cost Change Request Form
The budget that covers the entire organization
What is the operating budget
Who is the training coordinator of RE
Peter Shteyn
Who is the deputy of Real Estate
Kinderlee Hoge, Tayton Hjorth, Nick Stauber
Who is the projectwise admins
During this phase RE will overlay Assessor Parcel information on final design drawings and create a tract register
What is the PED Phase
Check your labor codes to ensure there are no overages
What should you do before signing your timesheet in CEFMS
Changing your hours from regular to sick or annual leave
What is a prior pay period correction
Jatin Anand
Who is the admin assistant in 990
Who are the REMIS admins
URA costs are reviewed and approved by Reality Specialist trained in this Public Law relocations
What is Public Law 91-646
The realty specialist, supervisor, budget, and admin
Who do I need to include on my scope of work?
What is the SPK94 Form
Matt Tate
Who is the RPAO of SPN & SPK
This is Adam’s RECO authority level
What is 1.3M