Questions every beginner wants answered
Real Estate Careers

Is Real Estate Investing a Way to Get Rich Quick?

Investing in Real Estate takes planning, patience, and persistence. Yes, there are some who make a lot of money in a short time, but those are exceptions.

So basically "No"


Strategy that involves purchasing a property and renting it out for an extended period of time?

What is Buy and Hold


The most common investment for most first time investors in Real Estate. Relatively easy to rent, easy to sell, and easy to finance.

What is Singe Family Houses?


Using specialized knowledge of the market to bring buyers and sellers together. You need a state license for this.

What is a broker?


Biggest Property manager in town.

What is Young America


Can I invest in Real Estate if I have no money?


OPM (other peoples money)


The practice of buying a piece of Real Estate at a discounted price, improving it in some way, and then selling for higher?

What is House Flipping


A non residential investment that ultimately involves a property that is leased to a business.

What is Commercial?


Manages the building for their owners.

What is a property manager?


Quickest and most efficient way to level up in Real Estate Investing?

What is finding a mentor


Can I invest in Real Estate with bad credit?

I am going to say "No" on this one.

Explanation: Real Estate investing will not solve your bad money habits, and any one who will say otherwise is trying to sell you something.


The strategy of purchasing a small multifamily property. Using one unit to live in and renting out the other units?

What is house hacking


Residential buildings that are usually made up of between two and four units. Can have five units or more.

What is a Multifamily property


Selecting sites to acquire, manage, and dispose of a portfolio of Real Estate Assets for a client or business

Asset Managers or Investment analysts


Most overlooked thing when renting out a property.

What is Screening Tenants


Do I need to have a Real Estate License? 

Definitely not. 

It would come in handy, but it is not necessary for investing in Real Estate.


Process of finding great real estate deals, writing a contract to acquire the deal, and then selling the contract to another buyer.

What is Wholesaling


When a large number of people pool their funds together to purchase large Real Estate Investments such as shopping malls, apartment complexes, skyscrapers, or bulk amounts of single family homes

What is a REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust)


Real Estate Job that provides home loans for buyers. You work for banks, insurance companies, and loan brokers. 

What is a Mortgage Lender?


What are the three most important things when buying a rental property?

What is Location! Location! Location!


Should I wait to invest until the market changes?

Probably not. 

Real estate is cyclical, meaning it will go up and down. If you sit back now, refusing to partake, you wont have the confidence, the clout, nor the collateral to invest.


Strategy that involves buying fixer-upper rental properties, repairing them, leasing them out to tenants, refinancing to get your money back, and then repeating the process over again and again.

What is the BRRRR method


Owned properties that are owned by the lender after a sale has failed or a borrower has defaulted on the mortgage. Once the bank takes ownership, its goal is to recoup as much of its loss as possible.

What is Foreclosures?

Valuation specialists who work for any interested client or a government taxing body. Assessing the monetary value of an asset, especially Real Estate. You need a state license for this job or even a professional designation.

What is an Appraiser?


What are the four investment returns in Real Estate?

What is Cash Flow, Appreciation, Depreciation, and Tax Benefits
