Who is in charge of all things Small Group
Whitney Sloan
Who is our Drummer
Who is our Wi-fi provider
What grades are in the youth group
7th - 12th
How many semesters of Small Groups does RLC have each year
What is a requirement for a child moving into the toddler room
Must be walking
How many songs do we sing every week in service
How many people serve in the tech booth on Sunday morning
When do the youth meet
Wednesday 6:30
Who is the leaders of the Young Adult Small Group.
Autumn and Brandon Cannon
What is the name of the curriculum used in Kidslife K-6
What Wednesday night do we have worship
Fifth Wednesday
Who are 2 volunteers on the tech team
Glenn, Austin, Jeff
Name two leaders in the youth group
Cindy, Bradley, Sara
Olivia, Bree,
What paper do you have to sign in order to lead a Small Group
Honor Code
Who are the directors in the Elementary Small Groups
Kelly and Sara
What is the brand name of the drum set
What is the church guest wifi password
Where did the youth go to camp last summer
Camp Joy
Name a Small Group for young girls
God's Girls
What do kids have to wear in KidsLife at all times
Name tag
What time does practice start on Sunday morning
What name to you scream if something goes wrong in technology
How old do youth have to be to serve in the nursery