this heats up really fast during the daytime and cools off really fast during the night time
what is land?
the source of heat in the mantle
Earth's core
the warmest place on the Earth is the equator because...
What is 'It receives the most direct sunlight'
this is where the warmest ocean water is
what is 'along the equator'?
this type of heat transfer only happens in a solid
what is conduction?
this stays a pretty constant temperature day to night
what is the ocean?
where magma pushes up under the ocean, and pushes plates apart
what are mid-ocean ridges?
air does this near the equator
this is where the coldest water is on Earth
What is 'the poles'?
this is the only type of heat transfer that can happen in empty space
what is radiation?
during the day the land is warmer than the water. This causes breezes that go in this direction.
what is 'from the sea, to the land'?
when more dense oceanic crust slides underneath continental crust
what is a subduction zone?
the coldest places on Earth are the poles because they...
what is receive the least direct sunlight
this is the current that moves warm water up the east coast of the United States, across the Atlantic Ocean, and then keeps coastal Europe and the UK from experiencing the super harsh winters we experience here in New England and up into Cananda
What is the Gulf Stream
the literal translation for this term is 'under-red', and it is the fancy word for "heat waves"
what is infrared radiation?
at night, the sea is warmer than the land. This causes breezes that go in this direction.
What is 'from the land to the sea'?
these events commonly occur at subduction zones
what are earthquakes?
air does this at the poles, and at around 30 degrees latitude (North and South)
what is 'sinks'?
water rises at the equator because
"what is" water is warmed by direct radiation from sunlight, which causes the particles to move further apart, become less dense, and rise.
materials that cannot conduct heat are called this
what are 'insulators'?
The Berkshires can actually be much hotter than the coast, for example, on Cape Cod, during the summer. The opposite is true during the winter. This is because of...
What is, the regulating effect of the ocean?
the formation of new areas of oceanic crust, which occurs through the upwelling of magma at mid-ocean ridges and its subsequent outward movement on either side
what is seafloor spreading?
the reason that warmer climates are generally more humid (more water in the air)
what is... warmer air can hold more water?
Two reasons why ocean water sinks at the poles
"What is..."
1) It is colder- the particles are closer together, therefore more dense
2) As water freezes, the salt is left out. This leaves the remaining water with a higher concentration of salt, which makes the water more dense
There are two types of crust on the Earth. This is the denser of the two.
What is 'oceanic crust'?