This green organelle is similar to the mitochondria
Due to a star exploding, this cosmic event can be seen thousands of years later
What is a supernova?
After she was killed, this part of Martha Wayne’s outfit fell on the ground
What are pearls?
Linguistics looks at how people use language, so it follows this ideology
What is the descriptive ideology?
Often used to cut both bread and fruit, this tool is commonly used
What is a serrated knife?
The only one of its kind, this fruit has its seeds on the outside
What is a strawberry?
Created by a collision with another planetary body, the Tombaugh Regio on Pluto is shaped like this
What is a heart?
The most recent Batman movie was played by this actor
Who is Robert Pattinson?
Through this process, languages are able to influence each other
What is language contact?
By frying food quickly in just a bit of liquid fat, this process quickly browns food while maintaining texture and flavor
By using cuttings, you can grow new plants using this process
What is propagating?
A day on this planet is longer than its year
What is Venus?
This character was killed off after fans called in their votes
Who is Jason Todd?
English is a part of this language tree
What is the Indo-European language tree?
At about 450 degrees Fahrenheit, peanut oil is often used to fry foods due to its high level of this
What is a smoke point?
Plants generally need these three aspects to their soil ratios
What is pore space, mineral matter, and organic matter?
This white dwarf star was nicknamed after this song due to its diamond core
What is Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds?
Going by the moniker “Mad Hatter”, this supervillain uses what to commit his crimes
What is mind control?
This “artificial” language is a blend of Latine, English, and German
What is Esperanto?
To unstick and incorporate food residue on a pan, cooks may use this technique
What is deglazing?
The Gumbo Limbo tree, native to Central America, is also known as this due to its red and peeling appearance
What is the tourist tree?
Black holes can be categorized as one of these three size types
What is supermassive, stellar-massive, and intermediate-mass?
An in-universe Illuminati group works to control Gotham city using these individuals
Who are the Talons?
This linguistic term refers to when there is an additional meaning intended for the listener to receive beyond what is stated
What is an implicature?
By removing skins and seeds, this kitchen grinding tool can be used to make apple sauce or mashed potatoes
What is a food mill?