This psychologist founded REBT in the 1950s.
Who is Albert Ellis?
The A in the ABC Model stands for this.
What is Activating Event?
What are the “ABC” steps of REBT?
A (Activating Event): something happens (e.g. stress, conflict).
B (Belief): your interpretation (rational or irrational).
C (consequences): emotional response and action based on belief
The "E" in REBT stands for this key concept.
What is Emotive?
The B in the ABC Model stands for this.
What is Belief?
REBT is based on the idea that people’s distress is caused by their beliefs about events rather than the events themselves. This phrase describes that idea.
What is "People are disturbed not by things, but by their view of things"?
The C in the ABC Model represents this, which results from one’s beliefs.
What is Consequence?
This REBT technique involves replacing irrational thoughts with more logical and helpful ones.
What is cognitive restructuring?
Disputing irrational beliefs helps create this, which is a more rational way of thinking.
What is an effective new belief (E)?
REBT helps people develop this quality, meaning they accept themselves even if they make mistakes.
What is unconditional self-acceptance?
In REBT, disputing (D) occurs when a client does this to their irrational beliefs.
What is challenge or question them?