For behavior to be considered play, which of the following characeristic is a requirement? a. enjoyable b. distracting c. imaginative d. voluntary
What is "D"....voluntary.
The development of recreation in the US is...... a. never static b. always consistent c. both a & b d. none of the above
What is "A"...........never static
The moral theory that helps us resolve ethical dilemmas by examining our obligations is........ a. consequence-based ethics b. duty-based ethics c. virture ethics d. obligation-based ethics
What is "B"........duty-based ethics.
Play is no longer considered important to society. a. TRUE b. FALSE
What is "B".....False
Which of the following is not a characteristic of "FLOW"? a. concentration b. skill c. voluntary d. loss of self-consciousness
What is "A".........concentration.
Which of the following DOES NOT describe life for Calvinist settlers in New England? a. Settlers valued frugality, hard work, and observance of civil and religious codes. b. All forms of recreation were legal. c. Leisure was considered a sin and the devil's work d. None of the above
What is "B"......all forms of recreation were legal.
Athenian philosophers believed in the unity of mind and body, and each was valued. a. TRUE b. FALSE
What is "A".....TRUE
Children and young people are the primary recipients of the benefits and values of parks, recreation, and play. a. TRUE b. FALSE
What is "B"....false
A volunteer tree planting program in a community setting addresses which of the following benefit(s) of parks and recreation? a. environmental b. economic c. environmental and social d. environmental, economic, and social
What is "D"....environmental, economic, and social
Which of the following were examples of typical leisure pursuits in the era of Western expansion in the US? a. shooting b. wrestling c. jumping contests d. tomahawk hurling e. All of the above
What is "E".......all of the above.
Which of the following explains why the study of logic and critical thinking is important for leisure service practitioners? a. Critical thinking skills help leisure service practitioners justify their positions and decisions to the constituencies b. Critical thinking skills help leisure practitioners assess whether their own positions and decisions are logically justified. c. Critical thinking skills help leisure practitioners understand the nonlogical aspects of communication. d. All of the above
What is "D"....All of the above.
Being a park and recreation professional is likely challenging but seldom routine. a. TRUE b. FALSE
What is "A"......true.
What is one characteristic of a career in parks and recreation that clearly displays its uniqueness from other closely related fields? a. work is primarily with children b. salary and benefits c. voluntary nature of participation d. creativity of participation
What is "C"........voluntary nature of participation
The protestant work ethic refers to the cultural ideal that regards work as the most important activity in a person's life. a. TRUE b. FALSE
What is "A"....True
Play is......... a. state of mind b. restoration of function c. clear feedback d. spontaneous e. activity in free time
What is "D"...spontaneous
The terms play and recreation can be used interchangeably. a. TRUE b. FALSE
What is "B"......False
Recreation is..... a. state of mind b. restoration of function c. clear feedback d. spontaneous e. activity in free time
What is "E".........activity in free time.