What is the Big 5 theory, and which traits is it composed of?
aims to describe personality in it´s broadest form, and includes five traits: openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism
Name one way in which emotional intelligence is beneficial for educators
Example: to understand where emotions come from and how they develop. May be useful in situations where a student is exhibiting unwanted behavior.
Name two of the four validated sources of self-efficacy
Mastery experience, vicarious experience, social persuasion, physical & emotional states
What is one definition of problem-solving skills?
Personal ability to cope with a problem. Is consisting of a bundle of skills coming together (such as motivation, critical thinking, and previous experiences)
What leadership style does these characteristics belong to?
(1) set direction and goals, (2) develop staff by for example modeling desirable values, (3) redesign the organization (create and develop ideas), (4) establishing procedures to support change
Transformational leadership style
The Big 5 developed through the Lexical hypothesis method. What is this?
suggest that most of the relevant, valued, and important personality characteristics are encoded in language
According to the founders of emotional intelligence theory, four abilities are involved in this intelligence. Name two of them and what skill they represent.
1. perceiving emotions: identifying emotions
2. using emotions: being able to use / generate an emotion to fit the situation
3. understanding emotions: knowing where emotions come from and how they develop
4. managing emotions: emotion regulation and monitoring
Fill in the blanks in this definition of resilience: The ability to bounce back or overcome some form of (__) and thus experience (___ ___) despite an aversive event or situation
adversity, positive outcomes
What is the difference between active and passive thinking?
Passive: automatic, intuitive, without much thought (e.g., daydreaming).
Active: deliberate, reasonable, requires thought and focused thinking (e.g., solving a math problem)
Connect the founder to the right theory.
Theories: self-efficacy, emotional intelligence, big 5, critical thinking.
Founders: Mayer & Salovey, Albert Bandura, Daniel Kahneman, Gordon Allport.
Self-efficacy: Albert Bandura
Emotional intelligence: Mayer & Salovey
Big 5: Gordon Allport
Critical thinking: Daniel Kahneman
Which two of the Big 5 traits is this person most likely scoring high on?
I always achieved high grades in school and was able to work independent and efficiently. And although I always delivered my homework on time, school was a stressful period for me where I worried about failing. Many times I felt nervous about what the teacher would say or that my peers would not do their part of the assignment.
Neuroticism: tendency to be in a negative emotional state and experience unpleasant emotions (e.g., worry, anger); level of emotional stability and impulse control
Conscientiousness:thinking carefully before acting and having a strong desire to do well; being careful, self-disciplined and vigilant (cautious)
How is emotional intelligence arguably an intelligence?
It involves the skill of gathering emotion-related knowledge and applying the principles to situations
Name one critique / limitation of resilience theory?
1.Lack of coherency in definition, concept, and measurement tool. Needed to establish 'what is resilience really?'
2.Need for longitudinal data to explore how resilience develops
3.Need to explore how resilience is grounded in bigger, more complex systems
What are the four elements / steps of problem solving?
1. identifying and understanding the problem
2. choosing a method to solve the problem
3. applying the method
4. evaluating and reflecting on the outcome
Personality has long been an area of interest. What did Hippocrates mean about personality?
Four temperaments associated to different parts of the body. Combinations make personalities
Choleric temperament: yellow bile from the liver
Melancholic temperament: black bile from the kidneys
Sanguine temperament: red blood from the heart
Phlegmatic temperament: white phlegm from lungs.
Name one alternative modern personality theory.
E.g., Cattells 16 personality, HEXACO...
Name one deviant behavior (i.e., diagnosis) where emotional intelligence can be used for negative outcomes?
⚡emotional manipulation: ‘playing’ on others’ feelings to influence their decisions. Can be dangerous when utilized by the wrong people
⚡machiavellianism : strategic thinking to gain personal power without concern for others. Includes being manipulative.
according to self-efficacy theory, engagement in a task happens when we expect that we can succeed (efficacy expectations) + when we believe that what we do has an influence on the outcome (outcome expectations). Later researchers found out that one major component was missing. What was this?
Value: personal meaning that makes it worth it to engage in the task
How may critical thinking be related to problem-solving?
≈Similarity: both involve evaluations of different alternatives / imagine solutions to problems / are goal-oriented
≉Difference: critical thinking is also goal-oriented, but the goal is not always to resolve a problem
Which of these side-topics have I not mentioned during the course?
1. Sigmund Freud and psychodynamic theories
2. Achievement goal theory
3. Correlational research design
4. Emotional education and DAPHnE
5. Social cognitive theory
Achivement goal theory