He delivered the Israelites out of slavery.
Who is God?
He interceded with God to spare the people and forgive their sin of idolatry.
Who is Moses?
These two gave a good report, revealing their trust in God.
Who are Joshua and Caleb?
Crossing the Jordan River into Canaan reminded Israel of this similar event.
What is the crossing of the Red Sea?
In the Garden of Eden, every tree of the garden was good to eat from except for this tree.
What is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil?
God set apart his covenant people at this high place.
What is Mount Sinai?
Along with the cloud and fire, God revealed his presence with his people in this place.
What is the tabernacle?
He started a rebellion against Moses and Aaron.
Who is Korah?
Carrying the ark of the covenant before them, they walked around the city, trusting God for victory.
What is the battle of Jericho?
This was placed in the sky as a reminder to God's people of his covenant.
What is a rainbow?
God gave his people these covenant commands.
What are the Ten Commandments?
This holiest festival once a year was all about sin and God's grace.
What is the Day of Atonement?
The Israelites were cured by looking at this, just as God commanded.
What is the bronze snake?
He sinned by keeping what God had said to destroy, which affected all of Israel.
Who is Achan?
God made a covenant with this man and his offspring, who would make up more than all the stars in the sky.
Who is Abraham?
This shows God's people how to please him and remain faithful to him.
What is God's moral law?
He fulfilled God's covenant of grace on the cross, atoning for all the sins of God's covenant people.
Who is Jesus Christ?
After many years of Moses' leadership, Israel got this new leader.
Who is Joshua?
His obedience, death, and resurrection earned life and righteousness for us.
Who is Jesus Christ?
God provided this after Isaac was bound and placed on the altar as a sacrifice.
What is a ram?
Besides the Ten Commandments, God gave these.
What are civil, ceremonial, or case laws?
God did this in the wilderness because the Israelites complained a lot, showing their lack of faith.
What is discipline Israel?
He reminded Joshua of his presence and his promises.
Who is God?
This is a relationship that God establishes with us and guarantees by his word.
What is a covenant?
His brothers meant for evil when they sold him into slavery, but God meant it for good, including theirs.
Who is Joseph?