The branch that makes laws and declares wars
Legislative branch
France, England, Spain, Holland (the Dutch), China. Which of these did not colonize America?
The name of the first gunshot of the revolutionary war
The shot heard 'round the world
Name of the original form of government in the United States (The something of something)
The Articles of Confederation
This is what separation of powers means
When the government's powers are broken up into several groups in order to prevent any one group from becoming too powerful
The branch that enforces laws. The president is a member of this branch.
The Executive branch
This is the year Jamestown was settled
The first battle (or two battles) of the American Revolution
Lexington and Concord
Describe Federalists and Anti-Federalists
Federalists supported strong central government. Anti-Feds supported a weak central government
This is when one branch of the government stops another branch from doing something it shouldn't
Checks and balances
What is the name of the document that gave the colonies their independence from England?
The Declaration of Independence
This is the year Plymouth was settled
The last battle of the American Revolution. We captured their general.
The Battle of Yorktown
Shays' Rebellion made Americans realize this
That the central government was too weak
The idea that people should have the power
Popular sovereignty
This is when you stop buying from a company or group in order to protest against that company or group. Think of colonists refusing to buy tea from England
This is the group of people that settled in Plymouth
The day and year we declared independence
July 4th, 1776
The Great Compromise broke congress into this many parts and named them ___________ and ___________
The branch that makes judgments based on the written law. Judges and court system
The Judicial Branch
Growing and selling tobacco
The Frenchman that helped convince France to become an ally of the U.S. during the revolution.
Marquis de Lafayette
The Constitution was amended in order to satisfy the anti-federalists' fears of having no protections for the individual citizens (individual rights). This is the name of the first 10 amendments that gave those rights to the citizens
The Bill of Rights
The names of the 3 branches of government