Solely being in a room that has been designated to consume controlled substances is illegal.
What is True?
Merely possessing precursor chemicals is a crime.
What is False?
Smoking marijuana in a public space isn't a crime.
What is False?
Carrying less than an ounce while being under 18
What is 11357(a)(1)?
Name the character
What is the thing?
The use of cannabis is limited across all of the United States.
What is True?
Precursor chemicals definition.
What is a chemical/solvent used in the manufacturing of controlled substances regulated by DEA?
Officers must often be armed when going to marijuana cultivation
What is True?
Any person under the age of 18 cultivating any amount of marijuana
What is 11358(a)?
Name of the 7 continents of the world
What is North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, Australia, Africa, Asia?
The Health and Safety Code for Loitering with the intent to use or sell controlled substances.
What is HSC 11532?
Evidence for manufacturing controlled substances
What is precursor chemicals used to make substance, solvents, lab equipment, formulas, prior arrest, recipients?
The mere act of growing marijuana is illegal.
What is False?
Carrying less than an ounce while under 21yo
What is 11357(a)(2)?
What is 1?
Exceptions to HSC 11365.
What is cannabis, hash and hash oil in California?
HS code for the possession of chemicals.
What is HSC 11383?
HSC for legally growing Marijuana
What is HSC 11362?
Transporting or selling marijuana over the age of 18
What is 11360(a)(2)?
What is 7?
Signs that could indicate if someone is loitering to sell/use controlled substances.
What is loiter in a public space, possibly a high-risk neighborhood, using other forms of communication, controlled substances conviction (within 5 years) and attempts to conceal any object that could be used during a drug activity?
Two examples of precursor chemicals.
What is Acetone, Sulfuric Acid, Red Phosphorus...?
What is California Business and Professions Code Section 26200?
Carrying less than an ounce while over 18 on school grounds
What is 11357(d)?
Mr. V's full name.
What is Cory Van Driessche?