important events

who created the 10% plan?

Abraham Lincoln


how long did the reconstruction era last?

December 8, 1863 – March 31, 1877


the reconstruction eras main goal was what?

the reconstruction eras main goal was to guarantee rights to former slaves and defining new relationships between African Americans and whites.


why was President Andrew Johnson impeached?

The primary charge against Johnson was that he had violated the Tenure of Office Act. Specifically, that he had acted to remove Edwin Stanton from the position of Secretary of War and to replace him with Brevet Major General Lorenzo Thomas as secretary of war ad interim.


the 17th president of the United States, serving from 1865 to 1869. He assumed the presidency following the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, as he was vice president at that time. He tried returning the nation to the way it was (without slavery), but was not providing enough support for the South

Andrew Johnson


what year did Abraham Lincoln die?

April 15, 1865


who were the three main presidents during the Reconstruction Era 

Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, and Ulysses S. Grant.


where was Abraham Lincoln assassinated? 

attending the play Our American Cousin at Ford's Theater in Washington, D.C.


who assassinated Abraham Lincoln?

John Wilkes Booth


what year did Andrew Johnson get impeached?



Name one of the three issues of the Reconstruction Era 

The Three big questions of Reconstruction revolve around how to reintegrate Southern states into the Union, how to ensure civil rights for freed slaves, and how to rebuild the Southern economy.


what is the Freedmen's Bureau?

The Freedmen's Bureau was a government agency that operated during the period of Reconstruction


served as a sergeant in the 1st South Carolina Volunteers (later re designated the 33rd United States Colored Troops) for the duration of the war.

William Bronson


what year did the Ratification of the 13th Amendment, that officially abolishing slavery?

December 6, 1865


What was the most serious mistake of Reconstruction?

The mistake of the Reconstruction era was the failure to provide sufficient economic and social support to African Americans who had been enslaved and were now seeking to establish new lives as free citizens.


explain black codes:

To thwart any social and economic mobility that Black people might take under their status as free people, southern states beginning in late 1865 with Mississippi and South Carolina enacted Black Codes, various laws that reinforced Black economic subjugation to their former slaveowners.


who did the following actions during is presidency: 

  • Sending federal troops into South Carolina to protect African-Americans' civil rights 

  • Ordering the Ku Klux Klan to disperse from South Carolina in 1871 

  • Issuing a suspension of habeas corpus in South Carolina in 1871 

  • Ordering federal troops to capture the Klan in South Carolina 

Ulysses S. Grant


when was the Ratification of the 15th Amendment, granting African American men the right to vote?



Was Reconstruction a failure or success?

  Although there is disagreement regarding the ultimate outcome and aim of the Reconstruction era, many do agree that there were several notable successes


explain 40 acres and a mule:

As part of the bill that created the Freedmen's Bureau, the Union Congress in the concluding months of the war began to debate on how to establish a system in which black ownership of land and property in the south could be encouraged. This policy became popularly known as "Forty Acres and a Mule". However under pressure from President Johnson and from the passage of Black Codes, the issue of ownership of land shifted to a a question of wage labor instead.
