This candidate was nominated by the Republicans
Who is Rutherford B. Hayes
Constitutional Amendment that abolished slavery except "as punishment for a crime whereof the party shall have been duly (officially) convicted"
What is the 13th Amendment?
Northerners who moved to the South during Reconstruction
Who were Carpetbaggers?
This candidate was nominated by the Democrats
Who is Samuel J. Tilden?
This amendment established birthright citizenship, due process, equal protection under the law and declared that states that prevented male citizens from voting would lose a percentage of their congressional seats
What is the 14th Amendment?
Who were the Scalawags?
This candidate won the popular vote but lost the election.
Who is Samuel J. Tilden?
This Constitutional Amendment stated that no one could be kept from voting due to race, color, or previous condition of servitude
What is the 15th Amendment?
During Reconstruction, many people from this group were part of the Freedman's Bureau
Who were the Carpetbaggers?
This candidate helped to clean up the corruption of the Tweed Ring
Who is Samuel J Tilden?
Legislation that created an agency responsible for offering assistance, such as medical aid and education, to freed slaves
What was the Freedman's Bureau Act?
During Reconstruction, many people from this group were committed to civil rights issues
Who were the Carpetbaggers?
This candidate was inaugurated president after the Compromise of 1877
Who is Rutherford B. Hayes?
Legislation that abolished governments formed in the former Confederate states
What was the Reconstruction Act of 1867?
During Reconstruction, most southerners viewed this group as traitors to their southern heritage for siding with the northern Republicans.
Who were the Scalawags?