Political Reconstruction
Physical Reconstruction
The KKK and Hate
End/legacy of Reconstruction

What were the three main plans to start Reconstruction?

Abraham Lincoln's Plan

Andrew Johnson's Plan

Radical Republicans Plan


What does the term "40-acres and a mule" mean?

It provides 40 acres of land in the South and a mule to freed blacks immediately following the Civil War


What are Carpetbaggers? What are Scalawags?

someone originally from the North who relocated to the South after the Civil War after seeing an opportunity to make money and gain power.

A white Southerner who supported Radical Republicans' plans for Reconstruction


What percentage of Black Legislators became victims of violence during Reconstruction?



Who was Rutherford B. Hayes?

The President of the United States who effectively ended Reconstruction by cutting a deal with Democrats.


What did the Freedman's Bureau do?

It was an agency created by Lincoln and the Radical Republicans that provided food, shelter, medical aid, employment aid, education and other needs to blacks and poor white


What did Thaddeus Stevens say the US Government could do with some of the land they confiscated from former slaveowners/Confederates?

Sell it to pay off war debts


What percentage of white voters did scalawags make up in the south?



Who did the KKK say their biggest opponents were?

Republican state governments, Carpetbaggers and Scalawags


What are the four causes of the end of Reconstruction

Violence in the South, Depression of 1873, Redeemer Democrats, Election of Rutherford B. Hayes


What did the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments do?

13th Amendment- Abolished slavery

14th Amendment- Gave citizenship to anyone born/naturalized in the US

15th Amendment- Ended voting discrimination based on race, color, or previous status of servitude


What is Sharecropping?

How did it keep Freed blacks dependent on the plantation owners?

Agreement between a land owner and a farmer that the farmer will get a small plot of land that they will oversee and grow for the owner so long as they provide the tools necessary to grow.

It forced farmers into debt and poverty because they weren't able to meet the demands of the owners and make a profit.

Give me two similarities and two differences between carpetbaggers and scalawags

Similarities:White, disrespectful term, Disliked by southern democrats, helped former slaves, etc.

Differences: Northern v Southern, Politicians/Businessmen v. Former soldiers, farmers, Outsiders v. Traitors, etc.


Who was the first "Grand Wizard" of the KKK?

Nathan Bedford Forrest


What big movement in the 1950s-1960s did Reconstruction lead to?

Civil Rights Era


What were the main ideas of Andrew Johnson's Reconstruction plan?

Wanted to move on from this era, didn't want to punish the South

Wanted southern states to swear Allegiance to the Union for admittance 

Didn't believe blacks to be equal to whites


Why were people in the North opposed to giving land to Ex-slaves?

They believed the same thing could happen in the North. Rich people would have to give land up to the poor.


What are Jim Crow Laws?

Collection of state and local laws that legalized racial segregation that were created in response to black progress made during Reconstruction


What role did President Grant play in Southern Reconstruction?

He sent troops down to the south to counter groups like the KKK, he helped pass the three enforcement acts that effectively dissolved the KKK.


Who were the Redeemer Democrats?

Democrats who wanted to take back the south from Carpetbaggers and Scalawags who supported Radical Reconstruction


What was the Wade-Davis Bill? Whose plan was it part of?

proposed stricter requirements for letting states back into the Union; required 50% of a states white males to take an oath to the Union, required to give blacks the right to vote. Proposed by Congress


In the standoff that led to the system of sharecropping, what did freedpeople want and what did plantation owners want?

Freedpeople wanted land of their own to work and profit off of.

Plantation owners wanted to recruit and keep cheap labor.


What are three out of the five ways that Jim Crow laws suppressed black voting rights?

Grandfather Clause

Literacy Clause 

Poll Tax


Voting Day Sherriff


According to Eric Foner, the KKK was a military force serving the interests of what 3 groups?

Democratic Party

Planter Class/Plantation owners

All those who desired to restore white supremacy


How did the KKK play into the end of Reconstruction?

Violence in the south led to voter suppression of black and poor whites which allowed for Redeemer Democrats to take power after Radical Republicans lost their stronghold in the south.