Who killed Lincoln?
JW Booth
Why did southern plantation owners need sharecroppers?
They had no one to work their fields and still wanted to make a large profit.
Which three amendments were the Reconstruction amendments?
13, 14, 15
Why was Johnson on the ticket? Why did he fail as the reconstruction president?
For southern support in Lincoln's election, because he sympathized with the wealthy white south.
What does veto mean?
When a leader blocks a law and doesn't allow it to pass.
How long after the Civil War ended was he killed?
About a week.
Why did newly freedmen agree to the sharecropping contract? Two reasons.
1) they couldn't read it.
2) they had no other options
Amendment 13...
abolished slavery
Grant...who was he and why was he elected to the presidency?
General for the north. Because black men in the south could vote and white confederate supporters could not.
What does Impeach mean?
When Congress says a president did something unconstitutional or illegal and they want him removed or punished.
Where was he killed?
Ford's Theater
How did share cropping keep newly freedmen and poor white farmers in poverty?
They were not allowed to make a profit, the system was set up against them.
Amendment 14
Gave citizenship to all black people born in the US.
Rutherford B Hayes - how is he responsible for the rise of the KKK?
In order for the south to accept him as the president in the tied election, he had to agree to pull troops from the south which had been placed there to protect the newly freedmen.
What were the black codes and how were these unconstitutional?
Laws to seperate people by race and keep black people at the bottom of the social ladder. It is unconstitutional to treat people in a manner that is not equal and to seperate people by race.
Why was he killed?
Southerners were angry about the outcome of the Civil War and he thought he would be a hero if he killed the president.
Which of the black codes forced newly freedmen into situations of sharecropping?
They had to have a job or they would go to jail.
They had to have a place to live.
They were only allowed labor jobs.
Amendment 15
Gave black men the right to vote.
Who was Jim Crow? explain
He was not a person but a minstrel character created to make fun of black people. They used this character's name for their racist laws in the South.
What are carpet baggers?
Why were two women and three men executed for Lincoln's assassination? What was their involvement.
Along with Booth, assassination attempts on VP and Sec of state along with the two women who housed and harbored these men and knew of the plot.
How did the prison system become involved in providing sharecroppers and other indentured servants to plantation owners?
If people had no job they would get arrested, plantation owners would bail them out and they would work for PO to pay off their debt.
What was wrong with amendments 14 and 15
It did not include rights to women
Name three Jim Crow laws...
various answers here that involve segregation laws
What was the KKK and why were they formed?
A group of people in the South who were trying to scare black people and prevent them from voting.