A powerful desire to use substances
How many steps are in the AA program?
A mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.
True or false:
I can do the steps myself, by reading the Big Book during treatment.
Who should the steps be completed with?
What is the first step of recovery?
Admitting powerlessness. Surrender.
God Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can. And the wisdom to know the difference.
Serenity prayer.
Name one of the authors of the AA Big Book?
Dr. Bob
Bill Wilson
The practice of taking an active role in regularly doing thing that improve your well being and happiness, in particular taking time for one’s self.
Self care.
Share one thing you do for your self.
Recite step 5 of AA in its entirety.
Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
Someone who helps guide a newcomer through the process of AA or NA.
Feelings, people, or situations that cause the brain to want to use substances. If you’re not aware of them they can cause you to relapse.
Share some of your triggers.
True or False:
The big book says you HAVE to believe in a religious God.
A state of mind where you are thankful and taking notice of the good things in your life, rather than focusing on the bad.
Name one thing you are grateful for.
True or false:
Every step has its own prayer.
This state of mind can be fatal for recovery! It’s characterized by being too comfortable or not feeling motivated to continue doing work.
A common phrase repeated in AA/NA as an important part of recovery. It is not just a common encouragement, it holds great meaning representing the gratitude an individual feels about their sobriety, and the importance of it presently.
One Day at a Time
Name the four defects of character.
Getting support from a neutral person who can help with mental health and addiction concerns.
In what step do you ask God to be rid of your defects of character?
We’re entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
Identifying and writing down triggers, coping skills, people, and activities that can help prevent a relapse.
Relapse prevention plan.
Who has a relapse prevention plan?What does the acronym SMART, as in SMART recovery stand for?
Self Management and Recovery Training
Using another activity in order to replace or substitute the feelings/results you used to get from using substances.
Cross Addiction.
Name 3 coping skills you can use while in public?
Deep breathing, talk to a friend or family member, take a walk, positive self talk, affirmations, take time alone, call a sponsor,
Completing the steps, properly, will cause me to have a spiritual experience.
Guaranteed if you follow the clear cut directions and begin to change your life.
Convincing yourself that it’s okay or that you have to use the substances/engage in addictive behaviors.
Relapse justification.
Name some.