Defense Mechanisms
Slogans / Acronyms
Stages of Change
Celebrity Overdose

The action of attempting to explain or justify behavior or an attitude with logical reasons, even if these are not appropriate.

What is rationalization?


The acronym H.A.L.T. stands for this.

What is Hungry, Angry, Lonely, and Tired?


The best what to communicate feelings is by using _____ statements.

What is "I"?


When a person is implementing the plan, revising it as needed, and using strategies to prevent a relapse and a return to the problem behavior.

What is action?


This King of Rock 'n' Roll was found dead in his bathroom on August 16, 1977. At the time, his death was attributed to a heart attack, but later investigations found multiple prescription drugs in his system, including the opioid codeine. He was 42 years old.

Who is Elvis Presley?


Pointing to others as the cause of the behavior.

What is blaming?


These two popular slogans are used to remind you to stay in the moment (guess one right for the points!)

What is One Day at a Time / Just For Today?


This type of communication style is when people have a hard time saying what they feel or need. Sometimes they bottle up their feelings and/or later feel angry, sad, or resentful that they “went along” with something they really did not want to do.

What is passive?


When an individual consolidates the change and integrates it into his or her lifestyle. Not using becomes the norm, and life becomes filled with other types of pleasurable activities.

What is maintenance?


Famous for her white dress and subway scene, this American icon had some dark secrets hidden underneath her beautiful exterior. She was found dead in her home in Los Angeles from an overdose of sedative drugs that she had been taking for depression. The death is a suspected suicide.

Who is Marilyn Monroe?


This is a defense mechanism in which people do not let themselves think about threatening or painful thoughts, feelings, desires, memories, or beliefs.

What is repression?


An acronym used for G.O.D.?

What is Good Orderly Direction or Group of Drunks/Druggies?


This type of communication style is when people react quickly and angrily in most situations. Their style comes across as attacking and “in your face,” and it disregards the rights and feelings of others.

What is aggressive?


When a person is actively considering the possibility of changing. They are evaluating options, but are not ready to take action.

What is contemplation?


This comedian and actor was one of the seven original cast members on "Saturday Night Live." He died in 1982 after a "speedball," a combination of heroin and cocaine injected together via the same syringe. He was 33 years old.

Who is John Belushi?


This is a defense mechanism in which people return to ways of dealing with the world that they have long since outgrown.

What is regression?


An acronym for F.E.A.R.?

What is Face Everything and Recover or F*** Everything and Run?

This communication style is characteristic of people who find it hard to openly and clearly say what they want or need. There is a disconnection between what they say and what they do.

What is passive-aggressive?


This is when individuals are either unconvinced that they have a problem or are unwilling to consider change.

What is pre-contemplation?


At just 28, this Australian actor was found dead in his New York City apartment in 2008. After further investigation, the death was found to be an accident from an overdose of various prescription drugs. Looking back, it has been revealed his fame was taking a toll on his mental health. Specifically, his role playing The Joker was said to keep him up at night.

Who is Heath Ledger?


This is a defense mechanism in which an emotional reaction that would normally accompany a painful event is avoided by a seemingly logical explanation that removes the painful feeling of the event.

What is intellectualization?


This is a common way of continuing to encourage a group member to attends meetings.

What is keep coming back?


People who have learned to use this way of talking with others are often able to think about what they need and feel while also considering the needs and feelings of others.

What is assertive?


This is when individuals have made a plan to quit, may have cut down, and can see the benefits of quitting.

What is preparation?


This psychiatrist and founder of psychoanalysis died in 1939 of an overdose of morphine, given to him by his doctor at his request. He had been fighting a malignant cancer of the mouth for years, which was finally deemed inoperable. He was 83.

Who is Sigmund Freud?
