Share the worst experience you have had since getting sober and how you got through it?
Thank you for sharing!
What is a symptom of addiction...
cravings, increase in use, increase in tolerance, risky behaviors, lying, etc. Any others?
Fellowship group for family/friends of someone struggling with addiction.
When experiencing withdrawal a person seeks....
What is detoxification.
Support group options may include these.
SMART, Refuge, Celebrate, AA/NA
Share what your addicted mind doesn't want you to be honest about...?
I appreciate your response.
There are two kinds of dependence... what are they
physical and psychological
What does enabling look like?
What is your recovery program?
When is the next Family/Friends Group at AFHS?
Next Tuesday, January 18!
Share how you know you are an alcoholic or addict?
That was very insightful.
Share some concerns you may have about identifying as an addict or alcoholic?
All valid responses.
What does codependency look like in family members?
Family members becoming overly involved in others' problems, trying to fix the addict or protecting him/her from consequences.
Share your top triggers...
All are valid.
Share a common recovery phrase/slogan.
Avoid people, places and things.
Take it one day at a time.
Share how you have surrendered in recovery.
I think many people can relate to that.
Share how you know you life was becoming unmanageable in addiction?
All valid points.
What are common traits of family members of the person in active addiction/recovery?
Feel responsible for other peoples' feelings or actions, guilt/shame and resentment.
How will you recognize a craving...
Name different levels of care/treatment.
What are inpatient, residential, Intensive outpatient or outpatient.
Tell a peer one thing you really admire about their recovery?
Great response.
Share ways others have tired to 'intervene' on your addiction?
Thank you for sharing.
When family members can't let go of the addict's poor choices and the hurt it caused them. What services should they seek?
support groups and/or therapy
What is the difference between a relapse and a lapse.
Lapse is using a drug/alcohol, relapse is returning to old pattern of use.
When treatment do you plan to maintain your recovery...