What is increased blood pressure pulse rate and temperature, piloerection "gooseflesh", increased pupil size, rhinorrhea (nasal drainage), lacrimation (excessive secretion of tears), tremor, insomnia, vomiting, muscle aches, abdominal cramp Detox type
detox from opiates
How much fentanyl does it take to kill you?
the tip of a pencil
mutual help among peers experiencing similar problems. groups meet in churches, community facilities, prisons, and other locations but generally claim no affiliation to any religion or political party.
what is NA or AA
listening to some one talk positive while you close your eyes.
Family Roles
enabler, hero, scapegoat, lost child, mascot
what drug detox, tremor, hyperreflexia (heightened sense of reflex), agitation, hypertension, tachycardia (excessive rapid heart beat), insomnia, vomiting, diaphoresis (excessive perspiration, cognitive impairment, seizures, weakness, anorexia, irritability, anxiety, restlessness, headache, muscle ache, tinnitus (bussing in the ears), paranoid delusions, hypersensitivity to touch light and sound
detox from sedative, hypnotics
Primary chronic disease with genetic psychosocial and environmental factors influencing its development and manifestations. The disease is often progressive and fatal. It is characterized by impaired control over drinking, preoccupation with the drug alcohol, use of alcohol despite adverse consequences, and distortions in thinking, most notably denial.
what is alcoholism
how many steps does AA and NA have
12, not 13
support system
largely unconscious distortions of thoughts or perceptions that act to reduce anxiety ex: repression, projection, displacement, reaction formation, regression, rationalization, intellectualization
what is an ego defense mechanism
Trembling, autonomic hyperactivity, Anxiety, insomnia, vitamin deficiency, confusion, hallucination, and convulsions. what drug
Alcohol Withdrawal
What is:
The use of antagonists, antagonists, antidipsotropics, and psychotropic medications/phamacueticals to assist other treatment modalities immediately reducing use and improving social behavior/psychological well being. Also reducing the spread of substance abuse related infectious diseases.
Medically assisted treatment MAT
program started in 1935
how many meetings should you go to in the first 90 days
90 meetings in 90 days.
person emotionally closest to the alcoholic, provides protection that allows alcoholic to keep drinking such as making excuses, taking over responsibilities, and rescuing alcoholic from negative consequences.
what drug is this? Drug craving, dysphoria, anxiety, yawning, perpiration, sleep difficulties, fever, chills, gooseflesh, abdominal cramps, nausea, diarrhea, muscle cramps, bone pain tears.
Opiate W/D
what is Antidipsotropics
create adverse physical reactions when the person consumes the substance of abuse like antabuse (disulfiram)
Program started in 1953
the place you go after treatment to meet with your new counselor
Slow/shallow breathing, clammy skin, convulsions, coma, and possible death
late detox that comes over a month after detox
post acute withdrawal
what drugs that occupy the same receptor site in the brain as the specific drug blocking the effect of the abused drug such as naltrexone
someone who supports you in your recovery and you call daily
what is people, places, things
permanent, widespread destruction of liver cells, which are replaced with nonfunctioning scar tissue. irreversible and fatal if alcohol continues to be used.