What Time is living in Relapse Prevention on Wednesday?
2:00 - 3:00
Can perfectionism ever be achieved?
Name two recovery support groups
AA,NA, ect
blow, yay, yayo snow, white
Describe a thinking pattern you use to justify your behavior
any pattern will do
Why is there air?
To breath, fill up balloons, balls
what is a commonly used material to smoke various types of drugs?
What is one thing to do after rehab? Recovery related
Go to meetings, participate in aftercare, find a sponsor, set boundaries, stay sober
When addiction to one drug leads to using another
Cross addiction
What steps do you need to take to challenge your thinking?
Recognize the negative thought, challenge the negative thought, take note of the emotions behind the thought, find a positive outcome
How often are you supposed to meet with your IOP counselor?
1 time weekly
What are two relapse warning signs?
Attitudes and behaviors
People need to hit rock bottom before they become willing to get help True or False
False: No matter where you are in your addiction you can decide to get help to make a change
What does PAWS stand for?
What does C.O.P.D stand for?
A chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
What does MAT Stand for
Medication Assistance Therapy
What is a situation that could put you at risk for relapse?
Old people, places and things.
What is the meaning of reciprocity?
Making mutually beneficial exchanges
Having a substance use disorder and a mental health disorder at the same time is known as?
Co-occurring disorder
How many days does it take to break the habit of addiction?
Research suggest 21 days to adjust from not participating in the habit but the time frame will vary depending on the type of habit, the length of time the person has participated in the habit.
addiction is a ? explain
Chronic relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug or criminal seeking activities despite negative consequences
What are some of the patterns of addiction?
obsession, loss of control, increased tolerance, withdrawal symptoms and pre occupation
What are ways you can conduct yourself to be mindful to myself and others?
soothing self talk, prioritizing goals, helping others, taking a time out, rewording what you want to say
True or false: One developmental risk factor for addiction is experiencing physical, emotional and or sexual abuse when a person is young
How many IOP groups are you required to attend each week?