A symptom of depression is a persistently ____ mood.
What is a sad , depressed or unhappy.
This symptom occurs when you stop liking your favorite hobby/activity.
What is lack of interest/pleasure.
A natural way to get into shape and increase feelings of happiness is to ____.
What is exercise?
Name 2 things you do daily for your recovery/mentally
What is .....
Name 2 things you would like to start doing for your recovery
What is?
Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and Gambler's Anonymous are all examples of programs with this type of format that can support you in recovery.
What are 12-Step Fellowships?
Give the name of 1 antidepressant
What is .....
Who would you talk to about your feelings of addiction/depression.
What is family, friends, counselor etc
percentage of people relapse within the first year.
What is more than 85%?
Name 5 things you can do for self care
What is?
One of these prescribed and federally regulated medications can help an opiate addicted individual start recovering from their addiction and structuring his or her life again.
What is Methadone, Suboxone, and Naltrexone.
If these people have a history of depression or addiction, you are put at a higher risk for depression/addiction.
What is family members
What are 2 ways of improving your self esteem
What is learning new skills, interest/ activities, writing, positive affirmation
This gender is more likely to start using drugs in high school.
What is both male and female genders.
When a person gradually needs a larger dose of a drug to feel the same affect, it is called _____.
what is increased tolerance?
Name 2 symptoms of withdrawal.
What is sweating, goosebumps, vomiting, anxiety, insomnia, muscle pain.
2 barriers in your life.
what is.....
A strong desire to consume a particular substance is a _____.
What is a craving?
Number 1 cause of relapse
What is high levels of stress?
Name 3 things you've gained from coming to the clinic
what is ...
HALT stands for 4 things.
What is Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired!
Deadly medications to mix
What is methadone and nerve pills
AA was founded in _____ in the year of ______
What is Akron, Ohio... 1935
What is quarterly or 3 months?
How long does it take for methadone to peak
what is 3 hours?