The desire to stop using.
What is the only requirement for membership?
The most important person at any meeting.
What is the newcomer?
These 3 spiritual principles are indispensable
What are honesty, open mindedness and willingness
We admitted that we were powerless over our addiction, and that our lives had become unmanageable.
What is Step 1?
We must change these to protect our recovery
What are people, places and things.
The heart beat of the program.
What is a sponsor
To carry the message to the addict that still suffers.
What is the primary of the NA group.
According to NA literature, addicts in the grip of this illness will end up in _____, ____ & ____.
What are jails, institutions or death?
What should come first, because personal recovery depends on it.
What is our common welfare
How long do we try to stay clean for?
What is 24 hours.
The two things that make up addiction
What are obsession and compulsion
That it be kind, caring, and greater than ourselves.
What is the suggested guidelines of a higher power.
We have never seen these people relapse
What is a person who lives a Narcotics Anonymous program.
It is only through understanding and application that they work.
What are the traditions.
We made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
What is Step 4?
Experience has taught us to call a fellow recovering addictua and get to a meeting.
What do we do if we are plagued with an obsession to use?
The acronym of H.A.L.T tells us to never become to _____, ______, ______, or ________.
What is too hungry, angry, lonely or tired?
A meeting that a person in recovery designates as their 'official' meeting to do service in, or is the meeting they go to most often.
What is a home group?
The enemy of members with substantial clean time.
What is complacency.
If the obsession or compulsion becomes too great, put yourself on a _______ minute basis of not using.
What is 5 minutes?
We must be constantly on guard that our decisions are truly an expression of
What is God's will.
The purpose of this tradition is to ensure that the atmosphere of recovery is maintained.
What is the 5th tradition?
One of the most destructive of defects, that will drain us of all positive energy.
What is self pity.
Don't quit before this happens?
What is "the miracle"?
Bonus 100 points if you can define the word
What is Autonomous?
having the capacity and willingness to act on our own behalf