Recovery/Coping Skills
12 Step/SMART/Refuge
  • Fatigue or low energy

  • Foggy thought process

  • Poor memory

  • Poor impulse control

  • Increased sensitivity to stress

  • Alcohol or other drug cravings

  • Alcohol or other drug dreams

  • Apathy

What are symptoms of PAWS?


This country accounts for 1 in 4 drug related deaths worldwide (with opioid overdoses being most common).

What is the U.S.?


Using this form of media to self-sooth is highly encouraged by Recovery Unplugged as a coping skill for anxiety, depression, etc.

What is Music?


God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

What is the Serenity Prayer?


Facilities that provide safe housing and supportive, structured living conditions for people exiting drug rehabilitation programs.

What are Sober Living/Oxford houses?

  • Educate yourself about withdrawal symptoms and what to expect for recovery.

  • Celebrate every accomplished step in the process.

  • Encourage patience.

  • Find natural ways to help with sleep problems. 

  • Prescribe exercise and healthy diet.

  • Join mutual support groups.

  • Utilize coping skills to further develop impulse control.

What are ways to cope with PAWS?


A widely available, affordable, and fast-acting remedy for an opioid overdose.

What is Narcan?

This coping skill asks that you list qualities about yourself that are constructive and repeat them to yourself to boost your self-esteem and restructure cognitive distortions.

What are Positive Affirmations?


Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.

What is Step 4?


This disorder relapses at 40-60%, which is similar to relapse rates of the following:

  • Type I diabetes: 30–50%
  • Hypertension: 50–70%
  • Asthma: 50–70%

What is Addiction/Substance Use Disorder?


Sleep disruption and intense dreams can persist for up to 45 days following detox from this substance.

What is Cannabis.


According to the CDC, 21.2% of overdose deaths are attributable to this substance. 

What is Cocaine?


Among those who use this common coping skill, the number of poor mental health days per month dropped by more than 40 percent.

What is exercise?


This program's meetings are led by facilitators who complete a 30-hour training course or by hosts who undergo less rigorous training and lead simpler meetings. Meetings are highly interactive, conversational and educational, enabling all participants to share their successes and challenges and receive guidance from others.

What is SMART recovery?


At this level of care with Recovery Unplugged, you will be attending classes 9:00-3:15, cooking your own food, seeing an individual therapist, have access to your phone after classes, and living in sober-living style houses with staff supervision.

What is PHP? 


This substance typically sees loss of control in executive cognitive functions during PAWS.

What is Methamphetamine?


This accounts for about roughly 40% to 60% of a person’s risk of addiction.



This method helps relieve tension. In this method, you tense a group of muscles as you breathe in, and you relax them as you breathe out. You work on your muscle groups in a certain order. When your body is physically relaxed, you are less likely feel anxious.

What is Progressive Muscle Relaxation?


One study found that people who attended ___ meetings rose from an average of 20% of days sober to 80% of days sober after one year, while 19% did not drink at all.

What is 12 step meetings?


This website provides connection to individual therapists where you can search and filter by location, gender, issues addressed, insurances accepted, types of therapy utilized, etc.

What is PsychologyToday? Or any other similar website :) 


It is thought that PAWS is the result of physiologic changes that occur in the brain as a result of substance abuse. During drug abuse the brain makes adaptations to accommodate for the changes in available neurotransmitters, and these changes can result in excitability when levels of these neurotransmitters change during abstinence. Scientists hypothesize that that the brain’s capacity to deal with stress is reduced with prolonged substance abuse and the related withdrawal experiences. Infants born to mothers who have repeatedly abused substances are also at risk of developing PAWS.

What is Homeostatic Adjustment?


____-related deaths account for at least 5.3% (some estimate as high as 6.0%) of the world’s deaths.

What is Alcohol?


It’s generally believed that is takes 21 days to change a habit, but ___ days to make that change routine, so once you’ve decided to make that change, it’s important to stay with some form of treatment to reinforce your new way of life.

What is 90 days?


This program acknowledges four noble truths:

1. Addiction creates suffering

2. The cause of addiction is repetitive craving

3. Recovery is possible

4. The Path to Recovery is Available

What is Refuge Recovery?


On average, __ out of 10 people remain sober for one year after rehab. 

What is 3?
