Triggers and Coping Strategies
Recovery Milestones
Self-Exploration and Reflection
Healthy Relationships
Mindfulness and Stress Management

 Stress. A deep breathing exercises or going for a walk.

What is a common trigger for substance abuse and a healthy coping strategy to deal with it?


A common milestone celebrated in recovery after 30 days of sobriety is the one-month chip or token in recovery programs like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous.

What is a common milestone celebrated in recovery after 30 days of sobriety?


Self-awareness is important in recovery because it helps individuals recognize triggers, understand emotions, and identify areas for growth. You can increase self-awareness through practices like journaling, therapy, and self-reflection.

Why is self-awareness important in recovery, and how can you increase your self-awareness?


 Healthy relationships are characterized by mutual respect, communication, trust, and support. They are important in recovery because they provide a positive influence and a source of encouragement.

 What are some qualities of a healthy relationship, and why are they important in recovery?


Mindfulness involves paying attention to the present moment with openness, curiosity, and acceptance. It can benefit recovery by reducing stress, increasing self-awareness, and promoting emotional regulation.

What is mindfulness, and how can practicing mindfulness techniques benefit your recovery?


deep breathing exercises, practicing mindfulness, and reaching out to a support system.

 Name three coping skills that can help you manage stress without turning to substances.


Steps in a typical recovery program may include admitting powerlessness over substances, seeking support from a higher power or support group, and making amends.

 Name three steps in a typical recovery program (e.g., Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous).


Reflect on a past experience or trauma that may have contributed to your substance abuse and seek therapy or support groups to work through it in recovery.

Describe a past experience or trauma that may have contributed to your substance abuse and how you can work through it in recovery.


Setting boundaries with enabling friends or family members involves clearly communicating your needs, limits, and expectations, and being willing to enforce consequences if necessary.

How can you set boundaries with friends or family members who may be enabling your substance use?


Mindfulness exercises include mindful breathing, body scans, and mindful eating.

Name three mindfulness exercises or practices you can incorporate into your daily routine.


being around old using friends or visiting places associated with substance use. Avoidance and having an exit plan

How can you identify and avoid high-risk situations that may trigger a relapse?


Steps in a typical recovery program may include admitting powerlessness over substances, seeking support from a higher power or support group, and making amends.

How can setting small, achievable goals help you stay motivated in your recovery journey?


 Journaling or writing exercises allow individuals to explore their thoughts and emotions, gain insight into patterns of behavior, and track progress in recovery.

 How can journaling or writing exercises help you explore your thoughts and emotions in recovery?


Conflict resolution strategies in relationships include active listening, expressing feelings assertively but respectfully, and finding compromises that address the needs of both parties.

Describe a conflict resolution strategy you can use to address issues in your relationships without resorting to substance use.


 Deep breathing exercises help regulate the nervous system and calm the body's stress response, making them useful tools for managing cravings and reducing anxiety.

How can deep breathing exercises help you manage cravings or urges to use substances?


progressive muscle relaxation, where you tense and relax different muscle groups in your body.

what is a relaxation technique you can use when feeling overwhelmed or anxious?


Non-substance-related rewards could include treating yourself to a movie, buying a book you've been wanting, or taking a day trip to a scenic spot.

What are some non-substance-related rewards you can give yourself for reaching milestones in recovery?


Positive affirmations or mantras can counteract negative self-talk and promote self-compassion. Examples include "I am worthy of love and recovery" or "Every day, I am getting stronger."

Name three positive affirmations or mantras you can use to challenge negative self-talk in recovery.


Surrounding yourself with supportive and understanding people in recovery provides encouragement, accountability, and companionship on the journey to sobriety.

Why is it important to surround yourself with supportive and understanding people in recovery?


Grounding techniques, such as focusing on the sensations of your surroundings or using grounding objects like a stress ball, can help bring you back to the present moment and reduce feelings of dissociation or overwhelm.

Describe a grounding technique you can use to stay present and calm in stressful situations.


A support network in recovery is important for accountability and encouragement. You can reach out for support by attending support group meetings, calling a sponsor, or confiding in a trusted friend or family member.

Explain the importance of having a support network in recovery and how you can reach out for support when needed.


 "One day at a time" encourages individuals to focus on the present moment and manageable chunks of time rather than becoming overwhelmed by the thought of long-term sobriety.

Explain the concept of "one day at a time" in recovery and how it helps individuals focus on the present moment.


Self-compassion involves treating oneself with kindness and understanding, acknowledging that setbacks are part of the recovery process, and learning from mistakes rather than being harshly self-critical.

Explain the concept of self-compassion and how it can support your healing journey in recovery.


 Rebuilding trust and repairing relationships may involve apologizing, making amends, and demonstrating consistent, positive changes in behavior over time.

How can you rebuild trust and repair relationships that may have been damaged by your substance abuse?


Prioritizing self-care and relaxation activities in recovery is important for maintaining overall well-being and resilience. Examples include getting enough sleep, eating nutritious meals, exercising regularly, and engaging in hobbies or activities you enjoy.

Why is it important to prioritize self-care and relaxation activities in recovery, and how can you incorporate them into your routine?
