What are the four classifications of drugs?
Depressants, Stimulants, Narcotics and psychedlics.
What is the first step in medical treatment of a substance use disorder?
Approximately how long does it take for nervous system damage to be repaired in the body?
6-24 months
Why is good nutrition important in recovery
Because an unhealthy diet can cause more stress and malnutrition leads to poor health.
What are the two stages of withdrawal.
Acute and Post-acute
What helps re-build and maintain the body?
Name three of the six types of PAW symptoms.
Inability to think clearly, memory problems, emotional overreactions or numbness, sleep disturbances, physical coordination problems, stress sensitivity
Why is exercise important in recovery
What is the major symptom of the middle stage of addiction?
Increased tolerance
What needs to be redefined and restructured in the family of a recovering addict (hint: all start with letter R)
Roles, rules and rituals
How can PAW be controlled?
By managing stress.
Addictive disease can be controlled, but not what?
What are the four components of addictive thinking?
Obsession, compulsion, denial, rationalization
The presence of brain dysfunction has been documented in what percentage of alcohol use disorder patients?
What is reality testing?
Asking someone else if your thoughts make sense and are in line with what is true.
What are the four stages of recovery progression?
Abstinence, sobriety, comfortable living, productive living.
Name at least 4 of the six stages of the addiction cycle?
Short term gratification, long term pain and dysfunction, addictive thinking, increased tolerance, loss of control, bio-psycho-social damage.
When do PAW symptoms reach peak intensity?
Three to six months after abstinence begins.
What is the first step in protecting oneself from unnecessary stress?
Identifying stress triggers.