Coping Skills
JBRC Program Rules
Client Rights
Methadone and Suboxone

What is the coping skill when you focus on something else called?

Distraction coping skill


What is Mindfulness?

Focusing on your surroundings to give you control over your mind and the thoughts within it.


What substances are you NOT allowed to take while on the program?

Never allowed: Alcohol, PCP, Cocaine/ Crack, Heroin...

Sometimes allowed WITH A DOCTOR'S NOTE: Benzodiapines, Opiates, Amphetamines...


What is a behavioral contract?

A written, signed agreement between the client and the counselor that states a client will avoid or change a behavior within 90 days or else the client will suffer a negative consequence. 


What are the side effects of Methadone?

Increased sweating, constipation, itchy skin, slow breathing, sexual problems, restlessness


When should you use a coping skill?

When I am feeling any emotion that is causing me distress or I am thinking about doing something I might regret later.

Example, when feeling angry, depressed, triggered to use, manic happiness....


Where can you practice Mindfulness?

Anywhere! All you need if your mind!


If you have travel far away, what are the two ways you can still get dosed?

1. Guest Dosing at another clinic - need to give counselor at least two weeks notice to make arraignments

2. Vacation bottles- only eligible for those with 4 or more takehome bottles


What are behaviors that can get you kicked off the program?

Aggressive behaviors, refusing a higher level of care, selling drugs at the program....


What does Methadone and Suboxone do to your teeth/ bones?

Studies show that Methadone DOES NOT cause bone or teeth rot. Men on Methadone are found to have lower bone density so they should take a multivitamin but Drs believe it is due to other lifestyle factors.


What coping skills can you do daily to prevent urges to use?

Prevention: Sleep 8 hours, Go to a meeting, talk about your feelings, exercise, practice mindfulness...


How can Mindfulness help your mental health?

Decrease Anxiety, depression, 

Increase mood regulation, anger regulation, empathy...


If you have takehome bottles, how many positive urines can you have before you lose your takehome bottles?

2 positive Urines= phase demotion to phase 1


What kinds of actions can a client write a Grievance on a staff member for?

Any action that the client felt disrespected, stigmatized against or harmed in any way.


People taking their Methadone or Suboxone as prescribed are ADDICTED to it.

People taking medication as prescribed are not addicted to it, but they are PHYSICALLY DEPENDENT on it. 

Addiction= interferes with every aspect of one's life and ability to function.

Physical Dependence= one will have negative physical side effects if the medication is stopped, but does not generally interfere with other life areas. 


People, Places and Things are often considered the three most common triggers- What is the fourth one that impacts people no matter where they are?



Name 4 ways you can practice mindfulness

Grounding, meditation, Body Scan, Mindful eating, yoga, exercise, gratitude...


Why do you need an EKG on Methadone? 

What happens if you do not get one after being asked by the doctor?

Methadone slows down your heart rate, so the program wants to ensure you have a healthy heart to start with. EKGs show heath function.

IF you do not get an EKG, the doctor will start lowering your dose until you bring one in.


How does one request a change in one's Methadone or Suboxone dosage?

Do you have any options if the person you ask says no?

Clients should talk to their counselor about dose changes. If the counselor says no, clients can request to make their case directly to the doctor.


What is Vivatrol?

A new injectable medication to prevent opiate relapse. You must be negative for all substances, including Methadone and Suboxone, for 2 weeks before you can start.


What is an opposite action coping skill?

An act that creates the opposite emotion of what you are feeling. 

For example, When Sally wants to punch a wall, she looks at happy pictures of her family. She feels angry, but does something that makes her feel happy instead.


How does mindfulness benefit your physical health?

It lowers blood pressure, lower cortisol levels (stress hormone), increases immune function (get sick less often), Increases Empathy for others Lowers Heart rate, Lower Anxiety


What is Cardiac Clearance?

It is different than an EKG. When your EKG comes back abnormal, you need to get a letter from a Cardiologist (heart doctor) saying that it is safe for you to stay on Methadone. An EKG is NOT cardiac clearance!


What is Treatment Team and when do you have to go?

Meeting with your counselor, Nurse, Supervisor to discuss either Phase promotion or phase demotion


What is the difference between Methadone and Suboxone?

Methadone is a blocker, but Suboxone causes withdraw symptoms if opiates are introduced.
