T/F AA is a religious Program.
What is FALSE?
AA is a spiritual program. It requires no definite religious belief as a condition of memberships. Only a desire to stop using/drinking.
The Founders of AA
Who are Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob?
Relapse prevention involves focusing on the early stages when it's still easier to do something
What is True?
This is defined as doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting a different outcome.
What is Insanity (from albert einstein) ?
H.A.L.T stands for..
What is Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired ?
Give an example of a distraction coping skill
What are TV, movies, reading, drawing, etc. ?
This music artist had a hit pop song come out a few years before her death called 'Rehab'
Who is Amy winehouse
Feelings, individuals, or situations that cause your brain to crave substances; if you are unaware of them they could be a factor for relapse.
What are triggers?
According to NA literature, addicts in the grip of this illness will end up in _____, ____ & ____.
What are ... Jails, institutions or death ?
The only condition for membership.
A desire to stop Using/Drinking.
Over 50% of people battling with substance use disorder also have a co-occurring mental health disorder.
What is True?
Flower that opioids are derived from
What is the poppy flower?
Healthy coping skills help us:
a.) Deal with stressors in our lives
b.) Work through our emotions and problems
c.) Process our thoughts and emotions
d.) All of the above
What is
d.) All of the above
Using healthy coping skills allow us to take a minute and process what is happening with our emotions, stressors, thoughts, and problems.
Give an example of a self-soothing coping skill
What is Smelling candles, taking a shower, putting on comfy clothing, listening to music, etc. ?
This famous Rock Star died in the late 70s officially of heart failure, but after his death reportedly was found to contain high dosages of, among other things, the opiates Dilaudid, Percodan, and Demerol, as well as Quaaludes and codeine.
Who is
King of Rock 'n Roll
Elvis Presley ?
A meeting that a person in recovery designates as their 'official' meeting, or is the meeting they go to most often.
What is a home group?
The core spiritual principle of Step 1
What is..
Honest/ Acceptance/ Surrender
Year the AA Book was published
What is 1939?
However, AA was founded in 1935.
All withdrawal Symptoms stop after Detox.
False. Many will experience PAWS (Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome) which may include symptoms such as restlessness, fatigue, emotional dysregulation, "fogginess" with thought process etc. This is normal as your brain begins to heal and rebalance natural chemical levels.
The most addictive substance.
What is sugar?
This is making a conscious effort to count one’s blessings. Practicing this can shift your perspective from a negative outlook to a positive outlook and can improve your overall quality of life.
What is gratitude?
Give an example of an emotional awareness coping skill
What is Journaling, talking to someone, mindfulness, meditation, positive thinking etc.
This is a famous and successful horror author with long term recovery. This Author, whose books and movies have scared the pants off of audiences for decades, reports heavy drug and alcohol use in the 1970s. His family staged an intervention, and he’s been in recovery since. According to this author, recovery “has become part of my life.”
Who is Stephen King?
Name three things that should be in your Relapse Prevention plan.
What is Social supports, Triggers, Coping skills, Aftercare plan, motivation, consequences of using, goals, action plans etc.
The big book of AA states that these skills are the essentials to recovery. They are the foundation of our recovery and H.O.W. we attain Spiritual Experience.
What are the HOW skills?
What is Honest, Open-mindedness and willingness?
The AA logo has 3 words going around its triangle, what do they say?
What is Unity, Service and Recovery?
About 75% of people with addiction survive and go on to live fulfilling lives.
What is True?
According to a Study published by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health in 2020
This is the "Feel-Good" Neurochemical responsible for reward and motivation. This Neurochemical also plays a crucial role in the disease of addiction.
What is Dopamine?
Name three coping skills to help navigate high stress situations.
What is Exercise, social support, meditation, deep breathing, attending meetings, speaking to a professional etc. ?
Give an example of a crisis intervention coping skill
What is Calling a crisis line, 911, or going to the hospital, etc.
This child star first was forced into rehab at age 13, and a mental institution for a year and a half after that. She was emancipated from her parents and declared an adult at age 14. She worked hard and stayed sober once she was away from her family.
Who is Drew Barrymore?
The difference in
Lapse vs Relapse
What is
Lapse: One time return to an addictive behavior
Relapse: A return to an addictive lifestyle
What Tradition is
Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends upon A.A. unity.
What is Tradition 1?
According to the AA Big book what is the "number one" offender that destroys alcoholics?
“Resentment is the “number one” offender. It destroys more alcoholics than anything else. From it stem all forms of spiritual disease, for we have been not only mentally and physically ill, we have been spiritually sick. When the spiritual malady is overcome, we straighten out mentally and physically.”
― Alcoholics Anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous
Only about 50% of people who have an alcohol use disorder seek treatment.
What is False. Less than 10% of people with past-year alcohol use disorders received any sort of treatment.
(Source:2022 National Survey on Drug and Health, SAMSHA)
This is National Recovery Month
What is September ?
The practice of taking an active role in regularly doing things that improve your well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress
What is Self-care?
Give an example of an opposite action coping skill
What is Walking away instead of fighting, laughing instead crying, standing up straight when you feel nervous, etc. ?
This movie tells the story of writer in New York City who's partying lifestyle leads to a series of disastrous events that result in her being court-ordered to a rehabilitation center. It is a touching and inspiring story that shows how the power of love, perseverance, and the human spirit can overcome even the darkest of times.
What is 28 days?
The 3 stages of relapse
What is..
Emotional - Bottled up emotions, lack of support network, not going to support groups, Isolation, Denial etc.
Mental - Cravings, thoughts of use, romanticizing drug use etc.
Physical - Physical use. Lapse/Relapse