One day at a ________
Came to believe in a power greater than ourselves.
Step 2
The "Only" requirement for membership in a Twelve Step fellowship
The desire to stop using / drinking.
She was a child actress who abused drug and alcohol. She wrote the autobiography called "Little Girl Lost"
Who is Drew Barrymore
Avoid old _____ , ______ , and ______
People, places, and things
It works if you ____ _____
Work it!
What is the only step you MUST get right EVERY SINGLE DAY?
Step 1
Someone who helps guide a newcomer through the processes of NA or AA.
This famous actor starred in The Hangover and A Star is Born. His struggled with alcohol abuse progressively worsened during his rise to fame.
Bradley Cooper
Build up your ______ _______ network
Sober support
To keep it, you have to ____ _____ _____
Give it away!
Make direct amends to others we have harmed through our addiction
Step 9
What are the "Three A's" in recovery?
What are Awareness, Acceptance and Action?
After a routine plastic surgery this famous actress became addicted to opioids.
Hint: She starred in Halloween
Jamie Lee Curtis
In high-risk situations, have a relapse prevention ___ in place.
We are only as _____ as our ______
Sick as our secrets.
Make a searching and fearless moral inventory
What is step 4?
Founders of AA
Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith.
This rapper talks openly about his prescription pill addiction, and his bottom culminating with a methadone overdose in 2007. He’s been sober since 2009.
If you sit in the ___________ long enough you'll eventually get a ___________
If you sit in the barbershop long enough you'll eventually get a haircut.
Experiencing a spiritual awakening, carrying the message and practicing spiritual principles in all our affairs.
Step 12
3 indispensable spiritual principles in the 12 step fellowship (think H.O.W.)
Honesty, open-mindedness, and willingness.
This state of mind is harmful to recovery. It is characterized by being too comfortable or unmotivated to "do the work" and falling into old high-risk patterns.