Stages of Change
Celebrities in Recovery

A behavioral syndrome characterized by the repeated, compulsive seeking or use of a substance despite adverse social, psychological and/or physical consequences and a need for an increased amount of the substance to achieve the same effect.

What is Addiction?


The changes made during the Action stage are continued. Individuals may continue to face challenges, but at this point they have successfully changed their behaviors for a significant period of time.

What is the Maintenance Stage?


This is the most commonly abused drug across the nation.

What is Marijuana?


Now sober 13 years, this British comedian speaks openly about his past struggles with drugs and alcohol. Now he is a public voice for recovery, calling for addiction to be treated as a disease rather than a crime, and has made multiple documentaries on the topic.

Who is Russell Brand?


A common reaction for people in addiction who, when confronted about their behaviors, refuse to acknowledge they have a problem or have lost control of their use.

What is denial?


Significant steps are taken to end the problem behavior. The individual might be avoiding triggers, reaching out for help, or taking steps to avoid temptation.

What is the Action Stage?


This holiday has the highest number of drunken driving accidents.

What is Thanksgiving?


This singer/songwriter and guitarist has been sober for nearly three decades. He struggled with heroin in the 70's and later turned to alcohol. He finally got sober and even maintained his sobriety through the tragic death of his four year old son in 1991.

Who is Eric Clapton?


Generally, a medically supervised treatment for addiction designed to purge the body of intoxicating or addictive substances.

What is Detox?


The individual is experiencing ambivalence about change. They can see reasons to change their behavior, but they are still hesitant. The problem behavior continues.

What is the Contemplation Stage?


This substance is the pleasure chemical in our brains that plays a major role in substance abuse and addiction.

What is Dopamine?


This actor had a very public struggle with drug and alcohol addiction in the late 80's and early 90's, resulting in a prison sentence. He is now sober over a decade and is the leading figure in an internationally known movie cinematic universe.

Who is Robert Downey Jr.?


A person, place, thing or event that can result in psychological and then physical relapse.

What is a Trigger?


The individual has decided to change and they think about how to do so. During this stage, they will begin to make minor changes to support their goal, but they might not have completely ended the unwanted behavior.

What is the Preparation stage?


This substance is the fastest addicting drug.

What is Nicotine?


This actor became famous in his late 40's after getting sober from addictions to heroin and crack. His first big role in Hollywood, following a stint in rehab, was playing a crack-cocaine addict in Spike Lee's "Jungle Fever", which he expressed was a cathartic experience for him.

Who is Samuel L. Jackson?


The state in which a drug produces a diminishing biological or behavioral response; in other words, higher doses are needed to produce the same effect experienced initially.

What is Tolerance?


The costs of the problem are not yet recognized. The individual is in denial and not seriously considering changing their behavior. They may have made previous attempts to change, but have since given up.

What is the Precontemplation Stage?


Over 40% of these are alcohol-related.

What are fatal automobile accidents?


This "Full House" actress has spoken out about her struggles with addiction since the age of 14. She is now sober since 2011.

Who is Jodie Sweetin?
