12 Steps
Key terms
Coping Skills P1
Coping Skills P2

Bill W and Dr. Bob

Who founded/started 12 Steps?


People, places, and/or things that can potentially cause a person to relapse or be harmful to their recovery.

What is a trigger?



What is hungry, angry, lonely, tired


God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

What is the Serenity Prayer?


Irritability, difficulty thinking clearly, anxiety, depression, sleep issues, stress sensitivity, memory problems

What are PAWS.


Honesty, Faith, Surrender

What are the spiritual principles to Steps One, Two, and Three.

Common Characteristics include:

Fear of people, Seeking the approval of others, Frightened by angry people, Seeing the world from the perspective of a victim, an overdeveloped sense of responsibility, feelings of guilt associated with standing up for your rights, An addiction to excitement, Tendency to confuse feelings of love and pity, Low self-esteem, Terrified of abandonment

What is ACOA (Adult Children of Alcoholics)


Family, friends, and other loved ones that may or may not be in recovery that support your recovery efforts.

What is a support network?


When you________, I feel________, because_______, I need/want_______.

What is the assertiveness formula?


Name at least three of the seven areas of the wellness wheel.

What is social, intellectual, spiritual, environmental, emotional, occupational, and physical.


An alcoholic/addict that has made progress in recovery and shares that experience individually with another alchoholic/addict who is attempting to stay sober.

What is a sponsor?

"I did something bad" versus "I am bad"
What is guilt and shame?

Be Impeccable with your word, Don't take things personally, Don't make assumptions, Always do your best

What are the Four Agreements?


I am worthy, I am happy, I am a good person, I deserve recovery, I deserve happiness.

What are affirmations?


The voice that tells you that it is OK to use chemicals, finds reasons to use, is always ready when times are difficult, can be constant or spontaneous.

What is Slick?


This is the answer to all my problems today. When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing, or situation--some fact of my life--unacceptable to me, and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing, or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment.

What is Acceptance, pg. 417 in Big Book


Changing from one addiction to another addiction (can include chemicals and/or behaviors).

What is cross addiction?


12 Step meetings, sponsor, friends in recovery

What is a sober network?


Name five values that are important in your life.

What are the values you provided?


Name three forms of self-care.

What are any things you chose.


We are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness, we will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it, we will comprehend the word serenity, we will know peace, no matter how far down the scale we have gone, we will see how our experience can benefit others, the feeling of uselessness and self-pity will disappear, we will lose interest in selfish things and gain interest in our fellows, self-seeking will slip away, our whole attitude and outlook upon life will change, fear of people and economic insecurity will leave us, we will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us, we will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves.

What are the Promises of AA in Big Book on pages 83-84?


Behaviors we engage in to protect our addictions. IE, denial, excuses, blaming, intellectualizing, anger, humor, minimizing.

What are defense mechanisms?


Name five things that you think are fun to do and conducive to recovery.

What are the answers you provided?


Name three things to do when you are struggling with your recovery.

What are the answers you provided?


Name your most favorite part of your treatment experience with HBFF.

Whatever you said. :)
