This is the top factor in addiction relapse.
What is isolation or being alone?
Fill in the blank:
Making amends is powerful and usually healing to ____ parties.
What is both?
Also accepted:
The Mau Mau were a violent revolutionary group from this African country.
What is Kenya?
Name one symptom of PTSD.
What are repeating memories of the traumatic event, nightmares, flashbacks, trembling, avoidant behaviors, emotional numbness, negative thoughts, memory problems, self destructive behaviors, or angry outbursts?
Hiding an addiction builds this with family, friends, and co-workers.
What is distrust?
Know your meds and med this.
What is schedule?
Also accepted: timing
Step 9 requires a lot of this to examine the past and determine what amends to make.
What is patience?
The Mau Mau uprising is also known as the Mau Mau revolt or the Kenya this.
What is Emergency?
Name one traumatic experience that could lead to PTSD.
What is violence, abuse, neglect, warfare, natural disasters, accidents, sudden loss?
Also accepted: judge's decision
By hiding their addiction, people think that they are doing this with their problems.
What is "putting away"?
Pick up a hobby, or something creative or recreational that you do to have fun and keep your mind active. Hobbies help fight this.
What is boredom?
If the act of making amends will open old wounds or create new harm, then making direct amends should be this.
What is avoided?
The Mau Mau rebellion helped lead to Kenya's independence in this year.
What is 1963?
True or false:
Repeated smaller traumas like name calling, acts of bullying, or continual disappointment could lead to PTSD.
What is true?
The two strongest reasons for hiding addictive behaviour is self-denial and to hide the severity of this.
What is the addiction?
Have a contact list of five friends, peer recovery supports, and family members that you can this.
What is contact or talk to?
Fill in the blank:
Step 9 is about _____ the chains of guilt, shame, and remorse that would otherwise hold us back on our recovery journey.
What is breaking?
Also accepted: destroying, shattering, judge's choice
Name one of the three issues the Mau Mau were fighting for.
What is land, freedom, and self-governance?
Being super vigilant and extra sensitive about you surroundings is known as this.
What is hyper-arousal?
Name one lie a person with drug or alcohol addiction tells themselves.
What is (judge's choice)?
There are many correct answers.
The following are all examples of this. Keep healthy habits. Continuing to see a counselor. Being honest. Eating healthy. Wearing a seatbelt. Spend time with people that care about you. Having fun! Celebrating the victories with good friends. Exercise. Brushing your teeth.
What is self care?
This is a painful feeling that results from doing something wrong or improper. It can also refer to a state of dishonor or disgrace.
What is shame?
Fill in the blank:
The British responded to the Mau Mau uprising by widespread rape, torture, forcing people from their homes, and creating more _____ camps.
What is prison?
Also accepted: internment
Nearly half of people with PTSD also have this.
What is a substance addiction?
At the heart of hiding is avoiding confrontation, escaping this, and avoiding change.
What is consequences?