The 3 consequences of addiction
What is Incarceration/Jail, Death, & Institution?
____ day at a _______.
What is One Day At A Time?
Say The Serenity Prayer
What is __[insert higher power as you see/believe]___ grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference, peace.?
The number one place to avoid in sobriety
Where is Bars/Clubs?
Name for a mentor/guide who has been in recovery and worked through the steps.
What is a ' Sponsor or Peer support?
What increases as you continue to drink/use.
What is Tolerance?
Do the ____ ______ _____.
What is Next Right Thing?
There are traditionally _______ Steps in AA/NA
What is 12 steps
This place is not considered a "bar" but still dangerous for people in recovery to go because it can be an addictive place
What is the casino?
Information or an emergency kit to help an individual from using again. This kit could include 12 step information, important phone numbers, healthy recreational activities to participate in... (Hint: Usually completed while in treatment.).
What is a relapse prevention plan?
The symptoms that occur from the lingering effects of drug or alcohol withdrawal in the early phases of recovery.
What is PAWS, Post Acute Withdraw Symptoms?
Progress not ___________.
What is Progress Not Perfection?
These are statements that can be used daily to help encourage you to think positively about yourself and provide self-empowerment
What is a positive affirmation?
You should avoid ____, _____, and ____ that you once used with/at.
What is People, Places & Things
This helps you center yourself and find a balance
What is meditation?
Addiction can be linked to deeply disturbing experiences that can cause this form of trauma.
What is PTSD?
Cultivate An Attitude Of __________.
What is Cultivate An Attitude Of Gratitude?
The three stages of relapse are
What is 1. Emotional 2. Mental 3. Physical ?
HALT are 4 things to look out for when in recovery, which are. '
What is Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired?
This activity helps release natural endorphins.
What is exercise?
With continued use, the brain will stop producing this. chemical on its own
What is Dopamine?
It ________ if you _________ it.
What is It Works If You Work It?
The Difference between self-care and being selfish
What is Being selfish is taking more than one needs while Self care is taking as much as one needs?
____, ___ _____, and ______ are the 3 spiritual principles at the foundation of recovery and without them a solution cannot be reached.
What is Honesty, Open-Mindedness, Willingness?.
A desire or dream you try to achieve in a certain amount of time, no matter the costs.
What are goals?