Examples - breathing techniques, meditation, music, exercise, calling someone, etc.
"We admitted that we were powerless over alcohol/drugs---that our lives had become unmanageable."
Step 1
This saying is common among those in recovery and is said at the end of meetings?
Serenity Prayer
An apology without change is ______.
To keep it, you have to _______ ___ _____.
give it away
What is the "opposite of addiction?"
"Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him."
Step 3
What are the 3 three things to take into consideration to avoid any possible triggers?
People, places, and things
Recovery is about _____ action rather than ______ action.
taking; talking
The main purpose of this individual is to help you understand and learn the steps.
The goal is _________ not _________.
progress, perfection.
"Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs."
Step 5
What are the alternatives to recovery?
Jails, institutions and death.
What is the ONLY requirement for membership for any 12 step program?
a desire to stop drinking/using.
What is a "pink cloud" in the context of recovery?
A phase where individuals feel euphoric and overly optimistic about recovery, often followed by challenges.
Which two steps mainly focus on character defects?
Steps 6 & 7
What are three people/places that you can go to get support in your recovery?
Meetings, Sponsor, Healthy family, Healthy friends, Group members, and Church
The symbol for AA is a triangle with each side representing one of these 3 principles.
Recovery, unity, and service.
Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results is called?
What is the significance of the "one day at a time" philosophy in addiction recovery,?
Stay in the present moment.
What steps focus on resentments and fears?
Steps 8 & 9
The step you have to practice every single day.
Step 1.
Our _____ keep us sick.