Name one unhealthy behavior a bored person may engage in.
What is overspend money, overeat, doomscroll, isolate, do illegal or hazardous behaviour, engage in destruction or disruption, and spend time with negative influences?
Also accepted: judge's choice
Fill in the blank: Step 4's text reads: "Made a searching and fearless moral _____ of ourselves. "
What is inventory?
Fill in the blank:
The _____ reward system is how the brain chemically rewards actions and behaviours.
Hint: It starts with an "L".
What is limbic?
Consistency is the behaviour of acting or doing in a similar manner over this.
What is time?
Nubia is a region of Southern Egypt and central Sudan where two of the southern Nile Rivers meet. Name one of them.
What is the Blue or White Nile?
Fill in the blank: Boredom is not being interested in one's surroundings and is often caused by lack of distractions or things to occupy one's ____.
What is mind?
Fill in the blank: After quitting substances, it takes a while for the "_____" to begin to lift, so that we begin to see ourselves and the world around us more clearly.
What is "fog"?
Fill in the blank: Overcoming addiction usually entails not just stopping use of a substance but also discovering or rediscovering _______ activities and goals.
What is meaningful?
Consistency does not mean this.
What is perfection?
Name one of the many kingdoms that existed over time in Nubia.
What is Napatan Empire, Kingdom of Kush, Meroƫ, Nobatia, Makuria, Alodia and the Islamic Kingdom of Sennar? There were many.
Also accepted: judge's choice
Drugs and alcohol release huge amounts of this in the brain.
What is dopamine?
An inventory doesn't change things; it is simply a blank of things.
What is list?
The top part of the brain or this cortex is associated with reasoning and language.
What is frontal?
Changing behaviours means changing the physical flesh of your brain. Changing the transmitters takes at least this many weeks of repeated and mindful action.
What is six?
Name one of the ways Nubians transported their goods for trading.
Waht are elephants, camels, or large sea vessels?
Fill in the blank: By detoxing and spending time, our bodies can return to normal levels of _____ release and use.
What is dopamine?
Fill in the blank: Step 4 is about ______ back and seeing how much you do want to improve, where things went wrong, and being as specific and honest as possible.
What is stepping?
Name one thing the frontal cortex does.
What is solve problems, plan, create stories, reason, and use self-control?
Name one behaviour you can take or do that is associated with consistency.
What is getting good sleep, healthy diet, having other people that help you stay on track, having fun with what your doing and still taking it seriously, and reminders?
Also accepted: judge's choice
This is the most famous location for Nubian pyramids.
Hint: It starts with an "M".
What is Meroƫ?
Fill in the blank: Drugs and alcohol ______ the chemistry in our brains and the reality around us.
What is distort?
Name one thing a storekeep does to keep their store in order.
What is remove expired items, restock, update, clean, and count?
Also accepted: judge's choice
This center part of the brain is where our survival drives and pains are formed.
What is the amygdala?
Opportunities this out of consistent behaviour.
What is rise or come from?
Also accepted: judge's choice
Fill in the blank: Ancient Egyptians referred to Nubia as "Ta-Seti" which means the "Land of the _____".
What is Bow?