Reducing Relapses
Substance Use
Bonus x2

Research has shown that relapses are more likely to occur when the following occur: (there are 3) 

1. people are under more stress

2. people stop taking their medications

3. people use alcohol or drugs


Name 4 of the 9 problems related to alcohol and drug use.

1. increased symptoms or relapses

2. social problems 

3. difficulties at work or school

4. daily living problems

5. legal problems 

6. health problems

7. safety problems

8. psychological dependence

9. physical dependence 


you have to break me before you can use me. What am I? 

an egg

Give an example of how to manage being involved in situations where you are offered substances. 

- decline in a firm voice

- don't make excuses for saying no 

- repeat the refusal if needed

- offer an alternative activity if the person is a friend

- tell friends and relatives about the importance of your sobriety and ask them to respect it

- leave the situation if necessary 


___ are subtle changes in a person's inner experience and behavior that signal that a relapse may be starting 

early warning signs

What are the 3 steps to leading a sober lifestyle? 

1. identify reasons for not using substances

2. Manage "high-risk" situations

3. Find new ways to have your needs met


what has many keys but cannot open a single lock? 

a piano


Give examples of 3 of the 9 problems related to drugs and alcohol use. 

part 6 slides 73, 74, 75


Plans for preventing relapses are most effective if they have the following: (there are 5)

1. reminders of past triggers

2. reminders of past early warning signs

3. things to do to help when you are experiencing an early warning sign

4. people to help you

5. people to contact in case of an emergency 


What are some reasons that someone may begin using substances? 

to socialize, improve their mood, cope with symptoms, and distract themselves from problems 


what has a lot of eyes but cannot see? 

a potato 


Name 2 of the 4 tips for creating a relapse prevention plan: 

1)speak with the supportive people in your life and ask them what they have observed before your previous relapses 2)ask the supportive people in your life for suggestions in making a plan to respond to early warning signs and ask them if they would be willing to play a specific part in carrying out the plan 3)let your supportive people review your plan and give them each a copy 4)make sure to keep a copy for yourself, somewhere you can look over it regularly 


Supportive people in our lives can be helpful allies in recognizing early warning signs because...

you can tell them what signs to look out for and you can include them in your relapse prevention plan


How can substances affect your medication? 

It can cause you to have negative side effects and/or make the medication less effective. 


I have four legs but I cannot walk. What am I? 

a table


Identify some of the reasons that someone may begin using substances and explain an alternative way that they could get these needs met.

Needs: socialization, feeling accepted by others, feeling good, escaping boredom, dealing with bad feelings, having help with sleeping, having something to do and look forward too. 


Name 5 strategies for preventing and reducing relapses 

learning as much as possible about your illness; being aware of your symptoms; being aware of when you are under stress and developing strategies for coping with stress; participating in treatments that help you recover; building social supports; using mediations effectively; recognizing events or situations that contributed to relapses in the past; recognizing the early warning signs that you might be starting to have a relapse; developing your own relapse prevention plan to respond to early warning signs; using the help of other people such as family members or other supports to prevent early warning signs from becoming full blown relapses 


___, ___, and ___ make symptoms worse and cause relapses. 

alcohol use, drug use, and stress


what kind of band plays no music? 

a rubber band


name 7 of the 14 early warning signs: 

1)feeling tense or nervous 2)eating less or eating more 3)having decreased need for sleep 4)having trouble sleeping 5)feeling depressed or low 6)withdrawing socially 7)feeling irritable 8)stopping medication 9)having trouble concentrating 10)thinking that people are against you 11)hearing voices 12)using or abusing alcohol 13)increased spending or shopping 14)being overconfident about your abilities 
