Social Media
I Statements

How could social media affect a relationship

A. It doesn't.
B. Misleading someone.
C.  A toxic relationship
D. B and C
E. None of the above

D. B and C


What is a "I" statement?

A: Taking accountability for yourself.
B: Communicating with a assertive tone.
C: Blaming the other person.
D: All of the above
E. A and B.

E. A and B


What makes a healthy friendship.

A: Trust and communication
B: Lack of loyalty
C: Loyalty|
D: Doing the same thing that the person is doing.
E. A and C

E. A and C


How do you set boundaries?

A: maintain true to self

B: feeling good about ourselves

C: Don't get along with others

D: Both A and B

D: Both A and B


What does Responsibility mean?

Taking initiative, good time management skills, and etc.


How can you stay safe and responsible on Social Media?

Be careful what you post online, Don't follow people you don't know that well, etc.


What is an example of a "I" Statement?

A. I hate when you don't listen to me.
B. Never listen to me.
C. You never listen to me.

A. I hate when you don't listen to me.


What is the blame trap?

A: Taking responsibility for our own decisions and actions

B: Not taking responsibility for our own decisions and actions

C: None of the above

B: Not taking responsibility for our own decisions and actions


What is confusion?

Not understanding what is going on, the situation, and others 


The best type of questions to ask is...

A: open ended

B: close ended

A: open ended


A survey was conducted to 2,000 teenagers about their drug use and social media habits. What is the percentage of their increase in drug use compared to teens who don't use social media as much?

A: 50%

B: 35%

C: 70%

D: 82%

C: 70%


What is 'appropriate assertiveness'?

A: Using the terms "I feel, When, and What I'd like is that I..."

B: Using terms "I want, I don't like, and I'm not feeling..."

C: None of the above

A: Using the terms "I feel, When, and What I'd like is that I..."


What is the helpless trap?

A: Feeling as if we are able to help ourselves with no one else involved

B: Being a victim and thinking we aren't able to solve problems

C: Help others who are feeling helpless

B: Being a victim and thinking we aren't able to solve problems


Give an example of a healthy boundary...

Example: Sharing a personal event or issue with someone you feel comfortable with and have known for a while. 


What is effective communication?

A: Sharing ideas, feelings, beliefs, and plans 

B: Being understanding and open 

C: All of the above

D: None of the above

Both A and B


Based on what social media portrays, what percentage of youth have FOMO (fear of missing out) when seeing things on their social media accounts or in general?

A: 25%

B: 75%

C: 100%

D: 66%

B: 75%


What's the difference between "You and I Statements?"

When using “I-statements,” you take responsibility for the part you played in the disagreement and display the openness for deep listening and resolution.

By pointing out what they’ve done wrong or how they’ve made you feel upset, sad or angry, you’re either trying to make them feel as bad as you feel or you’re trying to make them change.


What is the catastrophe trap?

A: There's no such things as a catastrophe trap

B: Being in a major crisis 

C: Exaggeration of a minor crisis

D: Both B and C

C: Exaggeration of a minor crisis


Give an example of an unhealthy boundary...

Unhealthy boundary is when someone is being nosy to another person's business.


What are characteristics of passive communication?

A: Looking down when talking with others

B: Fear of expressing ideas and opinions

C: Self blame and self put downs

D: Whining, mumbling, low tone of voice

E: All of the above

E: All of the above


How can social media contribute to an adolescent's mental health?

A: It can't because most teens see therapists so that helps them

B: It can cause more anxiety and depression to youth

C: Social media doesn't harm teens mental health because teens have the choice to not engage in social media

D: All of the above

B: It can cause more anxiety and depression to youth


How many steps are there to forming an "I" Statement? 

6 Steps

Step 1. Listen

Step 2: Use "I" and not "You" Example Leader Sentences

Step 3: Refer to the behavior, not to the person Example Leader Sentences

Step 4: State how the behavior affects you

Step 5: State what you need to happen Example Leader Sentences

Step 6: State that there is a consequence to their actions


What is an example of the all or nothing trap?

Seeing things as black and white (it's either really good or really bad, there's no in between).


3 Guidelines to setting a boundary...

A: Know your limits

B: Communicate your boundaries

C: Practice your boundaries

D: Perfect boundaries

E: A, B, & C

E: A, B, & C


What are characteristics of the aggressive communication?

A: Violent outbursts

B: Intimidating gestures

C: Blaming or name calling

D: All of the above

E: None of the above

D: All of the above 
