What is an Internal Trigger
Emotions, feelings, thoughts, and memories that make the person want to use alcohol or drugs
What does E.R.S. stand for?
Early Recovery Skills
Hungry , Angry, Lonely, Tired
Who started A.A.?
Bill Wilson & Dr. Bob
Specific things that keep you abstinence and anchors you to recovery.
What is a Mooring Line?
What is an External Trigger
Environmental factors that can cause people in recovery to crave drugs or alcohol.
What does P.D. stand for?
Personal Development
Keep It Simple Stupid
What is Step 4?
Personal Inventory
Three P's of Recovery
Patience, Persistence, and Perseverance
Name two thought stopping techniques.
Visualization, snapping, relaxation, calling someone.
What is the first sign you are developing a substance use disorder?
Increased tolerance
What does H.O.W. stand for?
Honesty, Open mindedness, and Willingness
What is Step 8?
Making Amends
My spouse left me, there is no reason to stay clean.
Is an example of what?
A Relapse Justification
Define Boredom
The state of feeling disinterested in one's surroundings, having nothing to do, or feeling that life is dull.
The chemical messenger released into the brain when doing drugs.
Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome
What is Step 12?
Spiritual awakening
Emotional or physical limits that people set to create a healthy sense of personal space.
What is a boundary?
Define Coping Skills
What is the set of skills that a someone uses in order to avoid and deal with triggers and cravings.
In the film a New High what is the name of the Mountain they train to climb.
Mt. Rainer
What is post acute withdrawal syndrome?
Symptoms that last or develop after withdrawal.
When was N.A. started?
Feeling so satisfied with your own abilities or situation that you feel that you do not need to try any harder.
What is complacency.