One person speaks at a time.
What is group rule #7?
What is treatment for silence.
Who is receptionist.
Fred's Favorite Animal
Emotional Brain
Lower Brain
In an emergency if you must take/make a phone call, please exit the room
What is group rule #5.
Take responsibility for our actions, Admit it is my fault.
Talk with Counselor/Fill out grievance form if necessary.
Go off and do great things.
What Fred says at the end of every group
Intellectual/Logical Brain
Higher Brain
Respect Confidentiality
What is first rule of group.
How is my use a problem?
What is treatment for rationalizing.
Pyramid's main office
1 year
How long Fred has worked at Pyramid
File System
What is hippocampus
Be on time for each session. If you are going to be more than 15 minutes late, you need to call and let Counselor know. If you have not called your Counselor you will not be able to stay for the session.
What is group rule #2
What are four defense mechanisms?
Various Answers.
Steps/How many people we can have in group.
Cell phones off or on vibrate. No game playing please.
What is rule #4.
Treatment for cockiness.
Feeling is just a feeling, Not a__________
Gears of War
Is on Fred's Lanyard for his name tag.
Use a coping skill.
What is when triggered.