This is the duty owed to the client that a reasonable, prudent practitioner with similar education would do in a similar situation.
Standard of Care
The PDSA acronym stands for this.
Plan, Do, Study, Act
This document is written based upon the requirements in the job description and is utilized to evaluate employee's ability to achieve job-related expectations.
Performance appraisal
Humana, Anthem Bluecross and Blueshielf, and Virginia Premier are all examples of this payer source.
Third-party Payors
The acronym FTE stands for this.
Full Time Equivalent
This is a tool used by healthcare organizations to retrospectively study incidents of patient harm.
Root-cause Analysis
This was published by the Institute of Medicine characterizing the extent and need for quality improvement in healthcare in the United States.
To Err is Human
Strategic actions to keep employees motivated and focused so that they select to stay employed.
Predetermined amount of payment for a medical/healthcare service and is based upon what it costs historically.
Prospective Payment System
This type of employee is not guaranteed any scheduled hours, although they are necessity to keeping a RT department functional.
PRN as need employee
In this stage of developing a risk management plan, the frequency, duration and severity of the problem is assessed.
Risk Evaluation
Of the 6 quality indicators, this one has to do with reducing and/or eliminating overuse or underuse of resources.
Ask, Acquire, Appraise, Aggregate, Apply Assess
Evidence-based Decision Making
In a healthcare agency, this is done to make sure that the appropriate services are provided to the client and that services will be covered by payment sources.
Utilization Review
Fee-for-service, appropriations, grants, and third-party reimbursement are examples of these.
In this type of risk event someone could have been seriously injured or even killed.
Near miss
In QI, a flow chart is commonly used to define systems. The circles in the flow chart indicate this.
The beginning and end of the system.
"To improve customer satisfaction by December 31st" in an example of this.
External Goals
In private RT consultation in the state of VA, group home staff, parents, and legal guardians are referred to as DSP's also known as these.
Designated Support Persons
If the CFO tells you that you have been allocated 4 FTE's, how many worked hours has your department been budgeted?
160 weekly worked hours
This is the failure to follow the standards of care resulting in jury or loss to the client.
Proximate Cause
After the completion of a PDSA, the team could decide to do one of three A's. They are include these.
Adopt, Adapt, Abandon
Ancient Greek theory which believes the role of the leader is to achieve greatness by bringing out greatness in others.
Virtuous Leadership
In order for RT's to be reimbursed in VA for private consulting under the Medicaid Waiver, documentation must be submitted at this interval.
Formal and disciplined working allegiance between an experienced professional and a less experienced person in which the experienced professional provides guidance to develop professional competency.
Clinical Supervision