Interview DO's
Interview DO NOT'S
Red Flags
Red Flags

Matching the knowledge, skills and abilities of people to the characteristics of tasks, duties and responsibilities. 

What is Person-Job Fit


This is a crucial "do" for hiring managers before an interview.

What is "Thoroughly reviewing the candidate's resume and the job description


How to prevent unconscious bias during an interview.

What is Making assumptions about a candidate's abilities based on personal characteristics unrelated to the job.


If a candidate frequently interrupts and dominates the conversation during an interview, this may be a red flag indicating a lack of what skill?

What is Poor communication and listening skills.


A candidate who is consistently challenging to get in touch with. They are often unavailable or reply days later. 

What is Candidate is likely not interested or may have outside circumstances that will require additional attention such as performance, attendance or behavior concerns.


Fitting a person to the right job. 

What is Placement. 


This is a "do" to ensure legal compliance during the interview process

What is Avoiding questions related to age, gender, race, or other protected characteristics


Providing false information about the company culture or job responsibilities is an example of.

What is Misleading candidates about the company or the position.


A candidate who hasn't researched the company or seems unfamiliar with the job requirements might be signaling this red flag.

What is Lack of preparation and genuine interest in the position.


If a candidate struggles to provide examples of adapting to change or learning from setbacks, this may indicate a lack of what important skill?

What is Limited adaptability and resilience.


The process of choosing individuals with qualifications needed to fill jobs in an organization.

What is Selection.


How to establishing clear evaluation criteria.

What is Align interview questions with the key skills and competencies required for the job.


Failing to follow up on concerning statements from a candidate in an interview is the same as failing to do what? 

What is Failing to identify and act on red flags in an interview. 


If a candidate consistently speaks negatively about their previous employers or colleagues, this may indicate a potential issue with what?

What is A negative attitude or lack of professionalism.


A candidate who expresses views or behaviors inconsistent with the company's values may raise concerns about this aspect.

What is Misalignment with company culture and values.


The congruence between individuals and organizational factors.

What is Person-Organization Fit. 


This is important to enhance the candidate experience.

What is Provide clear information about the interview process and timeline.


Asking questions about a candidate's age or religious beliefs is a violation of this legal standard during interviews.

What is Ignoring anti-discrimination laws and legal compliance".


Gaps in a candidate's employment history or frequent job changes without clear explanations may raise concerns about this.

What is Job stability and commitment".


If a candidate doesn't ask insightful questions about the company or role, it may signal a lack of this important quality.

What is Curiosity and genuine interest in the organization. 

(May also be a sign of desperation or carelessness.)


Quantity of work, quality of work, compatibility to others, presence at work, length of service, flexibility. 

What is Elements of good job performance. 


Recommended to do after conducting an interview.

Send a personalized thank-you email to the candidate with next steps and a recap of your call. 


Failing to communicate the next steps or timeline to a candidate is an example of this interview "don't

What is Neglecting to provide clear information about the interview process and timeline.


If a candidate attributes all failures to external factors and refuses to take responsibility, it may be a red flag indicating a lack of what quality?

 What is Accountability and ownership of actions


Inconsistencies between a candidate's resume and their responses during the interview may be a red flag related to this.

What is Integrity and honesty.
