Area and Perimeter of Squares
Area and Circumference of Circles
Area and Perimeter of Rectangles
Area and Perimeter of Triangles

A square has a side measurement of 12 in. What is the perimeter of this square?

p = 48 in.


Circumference of a circle with a diameter of 10in.

c = 31.4 in


A rectangle has a length of 7 in. and a width of 4 in. What is the perimeter of this rectangle?

p = 22 in.


A triangle has side measurements of 4.25 in., 5.5 in., and 3 in. What is the perimeter of this triangle?

p = 12.75 in.


A square has a side measurement of 8.5 cm. What is the area of this square?

a = 72.25 cm2


Area of a circle with a radius of 3 cm.

a = 28.27 cm


A rectangle has a length of 12 ft., and a width of 9 ft. What is the area of this rectangle?

a = 108 ft.2


A triangle has a base of 5 meters and a height of 9 meters. What is the area of this triangle?

a = 22.5 m2


Ms. Lewis took a photo of her family and printed it out in a square shape. She would like to build a frame that fits around the photo. The photo has sides of 6 in. How much framing would Ms. Lewis need to make the frame for her photo?

p = 24 in.

Mrs. Buckelew is looking to put mulch down in her circular shaped garden. She measured her garden and found that it has a radius of 6 feet. How many square feet of mulch will she need to fill the garden?

a = 113.04 units2


The Lewis family is constructing a new deck for their backyard. The deck is in the shape of a rectangle, and Mr. Lewis is looking to find out how much of a handrail border he needs to have for the deck. The length of the deck is 15 ft. and the width is 12 ft. How much handrail material will he need in order to properly border his deck?

p = 54 ft.


The military is constructing a triangular shaped fort. The lengths of the border walls are 155 ft., 155 ft., and 215 ft. How many feet of perimeter walling does this fort have?

p = 525 ft. 


Mrs. Gidoni is wallpapering one of the walls in her living room as an accent wall. The wall is square shaped, and has sides of 10 feet. How much wallpaper will she need to cover the wall in her living room?

a = 100 ft.2


Mrs. Seidel is looking to build a fence around her circular shaped vegetable garden. She measured her circular space and found that it has a radius of 10 feet. How many feet of fencing does she need to go around the garden?

c = 31.42 feet


The deck that Mr. Lewis is constructing (from the previous question) requires flooring. Remember that the dimensions for the deck are that the length is 15ft. and the width is 12ft. (in case you didn't do that question yet). How many square feet of boarding will Mr. Lewis need in order to cover the flooring of his deck?

a = 180 ft.2


An A-frame house (a house that has a triangular front and back) is being constructed in a neighborhood nearby. The family is currently trying to figure out how much siding the front and back of the house need. The bases of triangular fronts and backs are 32 ft. and the heights are 25 ft. How much siding will the family need to cover the front and back of the home?

a = 400 ft.2 for one side

2 sides = 800 ft.2 of siding total


Ms. Downey is looking to hang a square shaped poster of Taylor Swift on a square shaped room in her home. The sides of her wall are 12 ft., and the sides of her poster are 5 ft. How much square footage of her wall (square feet) will Ms. Downey be able to see or use after she hangs her poster? 

wall area = 144 ft.2

poster area = 25ft.2

144ft.2 - 25ft.2 = 119ft.2


Mrs. Worth is looking to put a circular shaped rug into her square shaped living room. The area of the room is 190 ft2. The diameter of the rug is 8 feet. Is Mrs. Worth's living room large enough to have this rug inside of it?

rug area = 201.06ft.2, so no, it won't fit into her living room :(


The Chong family is looking to build a rectangular fire pit outside in their backyard. They are looking to create a stone border for the outside of the pit (seating area) and pour gravel down in order to cover the flooring. The dimensions for the pit space are 10 ft. in length and 7.5 ft. in width. How many feet of stone will they need to surround the seating area, and gravel to cover the pit space?

p = 35 ft. of stone

a = 75 ft.2 of gravel


A flag collector is constructing a triangular display case for one of his flags. The case is going to have sides of 2 ft., 2ft and a base of 4 ft. The case will will also have a triangular piece of glass that fits into the sides, which will have a height of 2.5 feet. How many feet of material will the collector need to create the sides of the case, and how much many square feet of glass will they need to construct the case for his flag?

p = 8 ft.

a = 5 ft.2
