Recycling, Green Bin, or Garbage?
How To Recycle It!
How To Reuse!
Where Does It Go?
How Can You Help?
Where do plastic containers go? Recycling, Green bin, or Garbage?
Plastic containers go in the Recycling.
How do you Recycle juice boxes?
The box goes in the recycling bin. Then the straw goes in the Garbage, same with the wrapper.
How can you reuse newspaper?
You can reuse newspaper to protect an area from paint or you can use them as a replacement for paper towel.
Where does the Halton's compost go after the Green bin?
It is taken to the Hamilton Central Composting Facility where it is broken down into soil. Then the Halton region prepares it for giveaways.
What should you do when you discover littered Garbage but there isn't a Garbage bin in site?
You should take it back with you and dispose it at your home or nearest bin along the way.
Where does Aluminum foil go? Recycling, Green bin, or Garbage?
Aluminum foil goes in the Recycling.
How do you Recycle yogurt containers?
First you put the wrapper in the Garbage. Then you put the container in the Recycling.
How can you reuse yogurt containers?
You can use them to hold your school materials or other items.
Where does Haltons's Garbage go?
Garbage is taken to either a landfill or incinerator. At a landfill, waste decomposes over a long period of time. At an incinerator, waste is transformed into energy.
What should you do when you see someone put Garbage in the wrong bin?
Ask them to take it out and put it in the proper bin. Make sure to remind them to do it correctly next time.
Where do you put paper towel? Recycling, Green bin, or Garbage?
Paper towel goes in the Green bin.
Should paper go in the wet or dry recycling?
Paper should go in the dry Recycling.
How can you reuse plastic bags?
You can make them into suitable fabrics for bedding, new bags, and plastic clothing.
Where does Halton's recycling go?
Recycling is transferred to a material recovery facility where it is turned into bales of Recycling like hay. Then it is Recycled into new products.
Should you use plastic bags or plastic containers?
Plastic Containers! They can be reused and they will reduce the amount of garbage in our community.
Where do plastic utensils go? Recycling, Green bin, or Garbage?
Plastic utensils belong in the Garbage.
How do you Recycle water bottles?
First you take the plastic cap off which goes in the Garbage. Then you Recycle the bottle.
How can you reuse kool-aid pouches?
Recycled kool-aid pouches can be transformed into handbags.
Where can you donate your old clothes in Burligton?
Salvation Army will accept your old clothes and they will donate it to charity. There are also quite a few other locations where you can donate your old clothes.
What are some ways that Halton cleans our community?
Halton has a few clean up services to clean up our community. There are also days like earth day when we stop using our technology to reduce energy waste and pollution.
Where do muffin wrappers go? Recycling, Green bin, or Garbage?
Muffin wrappers go in the Green bin.
How do you Recycle pens, markers, and mechanical pencils?
You can Recycle these items at Staples. They will accept any brand of them.
How can you reuse paper egg cartons?
Paper egg cartons can be reused for hosting sprouting plants with soil.
Where can you donate your old office technology in Burlington?
Staples will accept any office technology that you find old. This includes empty ink cartridges and toners.
What can you remember to do after this assembly?
After this assembly, remember to Recycle properly and remind others on how to keep our community clean! You can also support Halton Recycling online and sign up for community service.