The city where American Red Cross HQ is
What is Washington, D.C.?
You can receive training and certification for this from the American Red Cross
What is CPR?
The first step to becoming a Red Cross volunteer
What is signing up online?
The year the American Red Cross was founded
(Hint, it starts with 18__)
What is 1881?
She is ARCC's president
Who is Carolyn?
The American Red Cross Region we are in
What is Northern California Coastal?
One of the 2 biggest services the American Red Cross is known for
(Bonus +100 if both named)
What is Blood Drives?
What is Disaster Relief?
The app/website you use to volunteer for Red Cross
What is Volunteer Connect?
She founded the American Red Cross
Who is Clara Barton?
Our main platform for updates and event notice
What is Instagram? @ucmarcc
The Red Cross Chapter we are in
What is Heart of the Valley?
This free Red Cross app provides advice for various emergencies
What is the First Aid app?
The American Red Cross provides __% of the nations blood products from blood donation
What is 40%?
The Swiss businessman who founded the International Red Cross
Who is Henry Dunant?
Most popular service event on campus
What is blood donation?
The amount of chapters in the American Red Cross Northern California Coastal Region
(double points if you can name them all)
What is 5?
Bay Area, Central Coast, Heart of the Valley, North Bay, and Silicon Valley
The Red Cross will install this for free in your home
What are smoke alarms?
Minimum number of hours required to earn a Red Cross service pin
What is 50 hours?
One of the 7 fundamental principles of the Global Red Cross network
(Bonus +100 for each extra named)
What is Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary Service, Universality, and Unity?
A drive we hosted last semester
What is a book drive?
The largest state (by area) covered by the American Red Cross in the U.S.
What is Alaska?
The type of disaster that Red Cross responds to the most
(Hint, it is not a natural disaster)
What are home fires?
One of the main 4 Blood Donation types for Red Cross
What is Whole Blood, Power Red, Platelet, and AB Elite Plasma?
This battle inspired the founding of the International Red Cross
What is the Battle of Solferino?
An event we hosted last semester
What is a public speaker event?