Name Brady's two best friends.
Digger and JT
Name one location in this book that had a butterfly garden.
Brady's house, the DiAngelo's house
What Ben and Brady do when Brady babysat Ben?
What did Brady do with the drill?
Threw it in the creek
This character is Brady's cousin. He drives an ambulance.
Why did Digger hate the DiAngelos so much?
1. They bought his grandfather's property and build a new home. 2. Mr. DiAngelo kicked them off his property once.
What was the name of Brady's dad's boat?
The Miss Amanda
Where were Brady, JT, and Digger often dropped of at before school?
The 7-Eleven
Why was Brady the one that found Ben?
He looked on the side creek or his dog alerted him of a person.
What was JT's real name?
Jeremy Tyler
How did Amanda die?
She was in a car crash
This character named his boat after his daughter, who passed away at a very young age.
Brady's father
What was the movie Brady and Carl rented and watched?
What is Blade Runner
What happened to the DiAngelos after the trial?
They moved away or they took the butterfly garden with them.
What did JT want to do for his dad that was an act of self-sacrifice?
Donate his kidney