(FILL IN THE BLANK) The _____________ is mostly the reason why red pandas are endangered.
..loss of nesting trees and bamboo!
(FILL IN THE BLANK) The red panda is a little larger than a _________.
A domestic cat!
What do red pandas eat?
Bamboo thickets!
What is their habitat?
Temperate forests!
What are the most popular red panda organizations?
The Red Panda Network and WWF!
Is the endangerment of red pandas caused by humans, or nature?
Humans! (for anyone confused: deforestation and poaching)
How do red pandas mainly stay in trees?
They are skillful and acrobatic!
What do leopards eat in the food chain?
Red pandas!
(FILL IN THE BLANK) 50% of their population live in _____________.
...the Eastern Himalayas!
(FILL IN THE BLANK) People are reducing _____________.
...habitat degradation!
(FILL IN THE BLANK) Red pandas are getting ______________.
...caught in traps meant for other animals!
Back in 2008, how many red pandas were there?
How is the food chain organized? (who eats who or energy flow)
The food chain is organized by the energy flow!
Which part of the Himalayas does the red panda live in?
The Eastern Himalayas!
What have many people stopped doing?
Many people have stopped poaching for food, medicine, and fur!
Why do people kill red pandas?
For food, medicine, and fur.
What is Langtang National Park famous for?
The amount of red pandas, black bears, and the amount of species of birds!
What role does the earthworm play?
A decomposer!
Where is the Himalayas? (Answer in a sentence)
The Himalayas is located in Asia.
What are one of the things people are doing to stop red panda endangerment?
Answers will vary.
Why is deforestation bad?
Red pandas won't be able to find food and will also lose their habitat.
What is the red panda's scientific name? What are the types of red pandas?
The red panda's scientific name is Ailrus Fulgens. There are Chinese red pandas and Himalayan red pandas.
What can happen when the red panda goes extinct? (Phrase as a summary)
Leopards will find it hard to get food and can also go extinct, which applies for tigers as well. Bamboo levels will also rise and disrupt the environment.
What place is an important habitat for red pandas?
Langtang National Park!
What has the Government of Bhutan created? Why?
A red panda survey to spread awareness.