The Body
Drugs in General

The legal age for people to drink alcohol in the U.S.

What is 21


True or False: Vaping and e-cigarettes is safer than regular cigarettes

What is False Both are bad for your health


Smokers often get __________ around their eyes and mouth.

What are wrinkles.


What is a drug?

A substance ingested into the body that changes the way a person feels, behaves, or functions.


This plant contains the mind-altering chemical THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and other similar compounds. Extracts can also be made from the cannabis plant. This is also the most common used illicit drug in the U.S.

What is marijuana


True or False: Alcohol is safe to consume once you are of legal age

What is false Alcohol will ALWAYS affect your body no matter what age


Tobacco smoke contains more than _______ chemicals.

What is 7,000


Smoking can cause your ________ to become black.

What are your lungs.


What are OTC drugs (Over the Counter)?

Types of drugs such as Tylenol that you can purchase without a doctors prescription.


Why Are Illegal Drugs Dangerous?

Illegal drugs aren't good for anyone, but they are particularly bad for a kid or teen whose body is still growing. Illegal drugs can damage the brain, heart, and other important organs. Cocaine, for instance, can cause a heart attack — even in a kid or teen.

While using drugs, people are also less able to do well in school, sports, and other activities. It's often harder to think clearly and make good decisions. People can do dumb or dangerous things that could hurt them — or other people — when they use drugs.


What does DUI stand for

What is "driving under the influence"


It is illegal for anyone under the age of _____ to buy or use tobacco.

What is eighteen.


Drinking alcohol can cause damage to your ________.

What is liver.


What does the word addiction mean?

A physical or mental dependency on a drug, where it is hard to stop using the drug without experiencing withdrawal symptoms


This changes a person's mood and makes him or her see or hear things that aren't really there or think strange thoughts.

What is a hallucinogen


Alcohol is as dangerous as other drugs.

What is true.


One pack of cigarettes cost $3.50, if you bought a pack a day for a year, how much money would you have spent?

What is 1,277.50.


What are some organs of the body that can be affected by drugs or alcohol

Skin, eyes, stomach, intestines, heart, lungs...


Explain what harmful effects drugs can have on your future?

Drugs have the potential of inflicting a long-lasting, negative impact on your developing brain! Using drugs at a young age could cause you to develop weakened verbal and communication skills, lowered learning capabilities, and a shortened attention span. On average, young people who drink alcohol have lower grades and a higher risk of dropping out of school. Students who drink are also five times more likely to fail a grade.


No two drugs are the same, and different drugs can have different effects on people. Drugs can be categorized into Three basic categories:

What are stimulants(uppers), depressants (downers) and hallucinogens. 


True or False:Alcohol is not addictive.

What is false. Alcohol is addicitive, both physically and psychologically.


People who smoke can still make great athletes and dancers.

What is false. Smoking limits lung capacity needed by dancers and athletes.


Tobacco use increases the risk of this deadly disease, which can be spread anywhere in the body.

What is cancer (not all cancer is caused by smoking)


What does it mean to be above the influence?

Do not let negative influence get to you! Pressure to drink, do drugs, or do anything that goes against who you are in order to fit in—that’s negative influence. Stay ABOVE those negative influences!


A powerful, highly addictive stimulant that affects the central nervous system.  This form of the drug that looks like glass fragments or shiny, bluish-white rocks.

Crystal methamphetamine
