What would you do?
Should you take it?
Healthy Choices
Other safety

You finish trick-or-treating and you want to try a piece of candy REALLY bad but your parents told you to wait until you get home so they can check it. 

What would you do?

You should wait until your parents check your candy to make sure there is nothing unsafe in your candy bag.


True or false?

Doctors go to school to know what medications are safe to give. 


You tell your friend that you have a headache and they offer you some medicine they have in their book bag. Should you take the medicine?


You should never take medicine that isn't yours, unless it is given to you by a trusted adult.


Is it healthy to smoke cigarettes if you are an adult?


It is never a healthy choice to smoke cigarettes. It can cause lung cancer and other serious health problems.

What should you wear in the car to be safe?



Your friend hands you something that looks like a Skittle but doesn't tell you what it is. You love Skittles but you think it could be a pill. 

What would you do?

You shouldn't eat something if you don't know what it is... what looks like a skittle could be a pill.

True or False?

Everyone takes the same amount of medications.


Height, Weight, Age, Gender, Health, and other things determine how much medicine is safe to take.


You go to the school nurse because you have a really bad headache and she tries to give you some Tylenol from the medicine cabinet. Should you take it?


You can take the medicine because it was given to you by the school nurse. A school nurse is a trusted adult. 


What is the healthier choice?

A) Playing video games all day because it makes you feel happy

B) Playing video games for an hour and then going on a walk

It is important to spend time doing things you love but it is also VERY unhealthy to spend all day inside playing video games.


Why are you supposed to use a cross walk when crossing the street?

It helps cars to see you when you cross the road so they do not hit you


Your friend tells you that they have been taking a medicine that makes them feel really happy. They tell you to try it so that you can feel that way too and try to hand you a pill. 

What would you do?

You should not take medication that is not yours. Just because a medication helps someone else doesn't mean that it will make you feel the same way. It could make you very sick.


True of False?

You can trust your friend to give you medicine.


While they might not mean to be unsafe, it is never safe to take medicine from someone if they are not a trusted adult.


You are staying the night at your friend's house and you get sick in the middle of the night. Your friend gets up and gets you a pill from the bathroom but you don't know what it is. Should you take it?


The medicine wasn't given to you by an adult and you don't know what the medicine is. 


You should wash your hands for ______ seconds.

20-30 seconds


Why is it not safe to pick up a needle that you see on the ground? You are just trying to keep the earth clean!

Needles can poke you and spread someone else's blood/germs into your blood which can be VERY dangerous.


You have a cough and runny nose. Your mom isn't home but you know where she keeps the cough medicine that she always gives you when you are sick. You aren't sure how much she gives you.

What would you do?

Wait until an adult is home to help you with the amount. You should never open/take medication without telling an adult. Taking too much can make you very sick.


True or False?

You shouldn't take medicine because it is dangerous.


It is safe to take medicine at the right amounts and under adult supervision.


You go to the doctor because you have been very sick all week. The doctor gives you a prescription and your mom picks it up from the pharmacy. Should you take it?


Doctors know what medicine you can take.


The 4 food groups are Dairy, Protein, Grain, _______, and Vegetables 



Why do you have to be a certain size/age to sit in the front seat of a car?

So the air bags can keep you safe in an accident.


Your friend tells you that they have a bottle of pills from their house in their bookbag today. 

What would you do?

Tell an adult. 

It is not safe/allowed to bring medications to school in your bookbag.


True or False?

Choosing to be safe and careful about prescription drugs shows that you respect yourself.



You are staying the night at a friend's house and you feel sick. Your friend's mom calls your mom to ask if you can take medicine and your mom says yes. Should you take it?


Your friend's mom did the right thing by calling your mom to ask permission. 


You should brush your teeth ______ times a day



Why is it important to tell an adult if you see something unsafe at school?

To keep everyone safe.
