Allergic Reaction
Food Allergies
Basic Knowledge
Red Sneakers For Oakley

A serious allergic reaction that comes on quickly and may lead to death.

What is Anaphylaxis


An immune system response to a food that the body mistakenly believes is harmful.

What is a Food Allergy


When an allergen is inadvertently transferred from a food containing an allergen to a food that does not contain the allergen.

What Is Cross Contact


What Was Oakley Allergic To? 

He was allergic to tree nuts 


Approximately How Many Students Have A Food Allergy In Each Classroom?

In the U.S. about 1 in 13 children, or around 2 students per classroom.


Name A Symptom of A Food Allergy Reaction.

Hives, runny nose, mild nausea, itchy mouth, shortness of breath, swelling of tongue or lips. 


Are Food Allergies Dangerous?

Yes. In extreme cases, food allergies can lead to anaphylaxis or even death.


Is an Intolerance the Same as a Food Allergy?



What Other Condition Did Oakley Have? 



Approximately How Many Americans Have Food Allergies? 

33 Million 


What if Only a Small Amount of the Allergen is Ingested? Will it Still Cause a Reaction?

Yes, even trace amounts of a food allergen may cause a reaction in some individuals with food allergies. 

While ingestion is the primary cause of severe reactions, in some cases, skin contact or breathing in a food protein (e.g., steam from cooking shellfish) can cause a reaction.


Name One Of The Most Common Food Allergies. 

The eight most common food allergens are milk, egg, peanut, tree nuts, soy, wheat, fish, and shellfish. Sesame is widely considered to be the 9th most common food allergen.


How Are Food Allergies And Food Intolerances Different?

Food allergies are related to the immune system and have the potential to be life-threatening. A food intolerance is when the body has trouble digesting a food. It can make a person feel bad, usually with an upset stomach, but it is not life-threatening.


In most cases of fatal food allergy reactions.....

There was either a delay in giving epinephrine, or it was not given at all.


Each Year In The U.S. How Many People Require Emergency Medical Care For Allergic Reactions To Food? 



Can the Severity of a Person's Allergic Reactions be Predicted by their Previous Reactions?

Not at all. 

Oakley had what his doctors called a “mild” food allergy. Someone whose reactions have been mild in the past may suddenly experience severe reactions that could be deadly.


Is There a Cure for Food Allergies?


Currently, there is no cure. Strict avoidance of the food allergen is the only way to prevent a reaction and an epinephrine auto-injector is the only medicine to help stop anaphylaxis.


Why are Food Allergies so Much More Common These Days?

The short answer is: we’re not sure. The CDC has reported a 50 percent increase in the number of children with food allergies since the late 1990s. There are many theories as to why the number of people with food allergies is growing, but scientific research has not yet found the cause.


Why Was Red Sneakers For Oakley Founded?

To educate and advocate for food allergy awareness to save lives.


Approximately Every ____ Minutes A Food Allergy Reaction Sends Someone To The Emergency Room


How Long Does it Take to React After Ingesting an Allergen?

It depends. Symptoms can start as soon as a few minutes after eating a food and as long as a couple hours after. 


At What Age Do Food Allergies Develop?

They can develop at any age. 

It’s not uncommon for adults to suddenly develop a food allergy to a food they’ve eaten their whole lives.


What Does FARE Stand For

Food Allergy Research & Education


Name One Reason Why People With Food Allergies Should Carry Two Epinephrine AutoInjectors At All Times?

In some cases of anaphylaxis, one dose of epinephrine is often not enough. 35% of people may require a second injection.

A second allergic reaction, called biphasic anaphylaxis, can occur between 1 to 72 hours (typically eight hours) after the initial reaction. This happens in 20% of patients experiencing anaphylaxis.

Autoinjectors sometimes fail to deliver the full dose of epinephrine due to manufacturing defects. If the first auto-injector fails, use the second one.

There may have been a delay in administering, requiring an additional dose of epinephrine. There is clear evidence that failing to administer adrenaline as soon as anaphylaxis is suspected has contributed to fatal outcomes. Delayed injection of adrenaline can also increase the likelihood of a biphasic reaction.


How Many Children Will Experience An Allergic Reaction At School? 

About 1 in 6
