What is the color of Lena's velvet dress
Who was the Arab?
Lena's father
What is the Danish word for "Graceful"
What is the name of the latest movie we saw in english?
Slumdog millionaire
Who made the song "No tears left to cry"?
Ariana Grande
In what region does Lena's father come from
What was the only problem with Lena's velvet dress
She wanted to wear it every day
What is the danish word for "Startled"
Who wrote "The great Gatsby"
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Who made the song "Hollaback girl"
Gwen Stefani
In what color was the dress Norma wanted from her mother?
What is the danish word for velvet?
What is the danish word for "Radiant"
In what two ways can you use apostrophes in enligsh?
Contractions and genitive
Who made the song "Fortunate son"
Creedence Clearwater Revival
What is the dog's name?
The name of the dog is never revealed.
How old was Beverly in the story?
She was fifteen.
What is the danish word for "Curb"
0.90 is the classroom number of which classroom?
The drama classroom
Who made the song "Lucy in the sky with diamonds"
The Beatles